Friday, January 29, 2010

Spike Lee in SD Tonight for SD Black Film Fest

The San Diego Black Film Festival is January 28th-31st. It includes a whole slew of films about and done by Black filmakers and actors. San Diego has many film festivals throughout the year and each one has it's own unique flair. Tickets are pretty reasonable and if you can't afford to see a screening, don't miss out on the Red Carpet experience at the Manchester Hyatt TONIGHT. Spike Lee and Danny Glover are the guests of honor and you never know who else you will see!

Get Screening Times and More Info on The San Diego Black Film Festival Website

Ozzy Osbourne Gives Lady Gaga 2 Thumbs Up!!

Osbourne also discussed the current state of the music industry and the "manufacturing" of artists today.
"It's completely different -- they're manufactured people now... like ice cream.
"Every now and then somebody comes out and I really like them -- I really like this Lady Gaga."

(Read the rest HERE)

The Uniqueness of Humans

This is a KILLER talk on humans vs. animals. The speaker is brilliant while still being hilarious and engaging. Do you brain a favor and put some knowledge and new thought in there. It takes as much time to watch as an episode as 30 Rock but you get so much more. It's great food for though to impress your friends, family or chick/dude you wanna impress!

(Start 5 minutes in for the beginning of the speech)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

iPad. Somebody shoulda rethought that name...

Apple revealed it's new tablet yesterday, unfortunately named, the iPad. Like most people it instantly made me snicker and crack a few jokes about feminine hygiene products. Why not name the next iPod the iTampon? When's the next iDouche coming out Jobs? Whatever. The thing is sleek like ALL Apple products. Does cool shit, like ALL Apple products. Costs more than its rivals, like ALL Apple products and has had more hype than its worth. Like ALL Apple products. Check out the video and see for yourself why the iPad is just another piece of technology that cyber dorks will HAVE TO HAVE but you and I will not. Yes the browser is fast. But bottom line, it's a massive iPhone or its like you broke the screen off your laptop and can now touch it. They try and make is seem revolutionary but it's a screen. A screen you touch to use. And that is it.

Read more about the naming fiasco on The Washington Post and see the Mad TV iPad sketch below, done before the reveal!

Funny Face, awesome classic to watch!

Not only do we get to enjoy the gorgeous face of Audrey Hepburn but we get to see Fred Astaire dance. It's a very advanced film for it's time with really artistic flair and gorgeous photography. Much of it is set in Paris which looks lovely in the late 1950's time period the movie was filmed. It's actually a very funny movie. There are many irreverent jokes and ribs at the then uber hip Beatnik movement and lots of inside jokes on the late 50's fashion world. The fashion is innovative and classic even now and the story line is sweet and engaging. Try it out!!

US Government for Sale!!

On January 21st, in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court held that "the constitutional guarantee of free speech means that corporations can spend unlimited sums to help elect favored candidates or defeat those they oppose." The activist 5-4 decision struck down a 63-year-old ban that ensured corporations may not use their enormous profits to support or oppose candidates.

Ian Millhiser of the Center for American Progress Action Fund observed, "Today's decision does far more than simply provide Fortune 500 companies with a massive megaphone to blast their political views to the masses; it also empowers them to drown out any voices that disagree with them." Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), who is already pushing legislation to rectify the Court's decision, warned, "The law itself will be bought and sold. It would be political bribery on the largest scale imaginable." "The Supreme Court has thrust politics back to the robber-baron era of the 19th century," the New York Times writes today.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't Put on Jazz When You're Trying to Get in the Mood

Smooth jazz is just balls out lame and should only be used for men with ponytails in their 40's trying to seduce women in the same age bracket with 60% less hair than them and a penchant for lame sex mood music. And as much as I LOVE JAZZ, it does not work when you're getting hot and heavy. The pussy drying effects of jazz are astounding. Last night I told the guy I was dating to put on some Bob Marley. In an effort to impress he put on a jazz rendition of Natty Dread. Needless to say we were listening to the real version in about 45 seconds flat....

Good Sex Music:
-Dub, Mellow reggae (not to be confused with dance hall or radio reggae (Sean Paul, Matisyahu, etc)
-Interpol (Darker, moodier sex can be super hot)
-Kings of Leon (the first albums are the hottest)
-Radiohead (cuz everyone loves Radiohead)
-Bjork (freaks the more macho dudes out though)
-Jimi Hendrix (Keep Foxey Lady on the playlist and things can get real sexy, it brings out the animal in us ladies!)
-TV on the Radio (Sex with a funky vibe, very hot)
-Postal Service (Indie Sex classic)
-Tip for mix playlists: Resist the urge to add the soul classics of our parents like "Let Get It On" and other giggle inducing sex songs of yore used for comedic affect in the Austin Powers series'...
-Tip for mix playlists: "Your Body is a Wonderland" by John Mayer is just a little to creepy for sex with someone fairly new
-Tip for mix playlists: Make a few diff lists in case the lady or guy you bring home ISNT into sex to the soundtrack of Ludacris' sexiest hits. Review each song for possible odd and awkward interludes or crazy parts of the song that might mix up the flow of things.

Craigslist Missed Connection: Nope, she had it right....

There are many meanings of the word gay. One means you favor having sex with someone the same gender as you, one means you are happy and one, in it's most contradictory and unfortunate incarnation, means you are very lame. Below is a perfect example of what happens when the correct adjective is used but the person thinks of the noun. He thinks the girl thinks he likes men. I have a feeling she was telling him how very lame it is to dance with your shirt off in front of a crowd of people laughing AT you not WITH you and think you are somehow on the top of the world....

you thought i was a hot gay guy dancing - m4w

Date: 2010-01-26, 1:16AM PST

You thought I was gay because of the club and my dancing. I had my shirt off and wasn't wearing much. I saw you looking at me a few times and I talked to your guy friend. I was just there to dance that night but didn't want to ruin your night of dancing. I put on a good show and got everyone chearing me on and got lost in the moment then you were gone. I will continue to go dancing hoping to meet you. Just come up to me and say you like my tattoo of my family crest. I'm not gay but enjoy to dance and go out on a date with you. I like to show off what I have and enjoy all the compliments from everyone. But I would be yours to hold and touch.

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1571019861

The Apple Tablet is Revealed Today!

The reveal of the highly anticipated Apple Tablet is sharing the day with the State of the Union Address; which is arguably LESS on people's minds than the latest Apple item we're all going to NEED NEED NEED to have!
From Mail:
Developed under the tightest security and feverishly anticipated, it is now only hours before Apple unveils the iSlate.
Some, however, simply cannot wait that long. The internet is already awash with a slew of images purporting to be the revolutionary new gadget dubbed the 'Jesus' tablet.
The pictures vary wildly in detail - and in mastery of Photoshop - but techno-geeks across the globe appear to have reached a consensus on a few crucial issues.

State of the Union Address 2010 Tonite

The State of the Union Address for 2010 is slated to start at 9 p.m. Eastern Time and 6 p.m. Pacific Time on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2010.

President Barack Obama's speech will likely clock in at just under an hour based on previous years. His address was 51 minutes last year and no State of the Union Address has gone more than an hour since 2000, when President Bill Clinton spoke for an hour and a half.

The State of the Union Address will air on major television news networks.

It can also be watched online at or via the Hulu stream below.

James Cameron, One Talented Rich Dude

With this weekend's earnings factored in, James Cameron's Avatar has surpassed his own Titanic to become the highest-grossing film of all time. Worldwide box office earnings for the 20th Century Fox picture have surpassed the $1.84 billion mark; Titanic is still No. 1 in the domestic box office, bringing in more than $600 million when it was released in 1997. Variety reports, though, that with more than $550 million as of yesterday, Avatar could close that gap, too. Interestingly, Cameron's two titles are the only ones in the top 10 of worldwide box-office receipts that aren't part of a franchise. (Cameron has announced his plans for at least one Avatar sequel). Others in the top 10 include titles from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, and Batman.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sushi Presents: Ear, Nose, Throat

Sushi Performance and Visual Art, founded in 1980, is a San Diego-based nonprofit multi-disciplinary presenting organization, which cultivates alternative voices in the contemporary arts. Sushi is committed to providing its artists and audiences with a laboratory where creative exploration, community engagement, and new ideas flourish.

Latest installment of Sushi's Fresh Sound Series is: Ear, Nose, Throat

Ear, Nose and Throat is a trio from Baltimore, Maryland who make improvised music that short-circuits the distinctions between harsh noise, free jazz, art-rock and academic electronic music. The varied biographies of its three members define this Bermuda Triangle of sound: M.C. Schmidt, Jason Willett, and Max Eilbacher. The result is a trio that can go wherever it wants to go: from crystalline new age space music to facemelting power-electronics to sweaty, angular drums and horns skronk-funk to squirrelly post-everything free playing to aktionist tantrums that leave audiences confused and ecstatic. For some time now Baltimore has been home to a great deal of irreverent, bizarrre and ornery music-making (from Nautical Almanac to DJ Dogdick to Cex to Dan Deacon), and the multi-generational, multi-genre pileup that is Ear, Nose and Throat exports the city’s pulsating noise/improv scene for the world to gape at.

Sushi Performance and Visual Art
390 Eleventh Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101

619. 235. 8466

A Great Read: The Last American Man

From the author of uber-woman centric masterpiece Eat, Pray, Love comes a book that appeals to anyone, man and woman. The Last American Man is a true story which makes it that much more riveting and extraordinary. It's the story of Eustace Conway, a man who lives off the land. Like extremely off the land. He's this hot tall mountain man who doesn't even have matches, the kind that runs the entire Appalachian trail eating berries and birds he can kill with stones. He rides cross country on a horse with his brother, he travels the US telling people they to can live like he does in a teepee in his forest that he bought. The guy could throw a knife and hill a squirrel when he was seven. But he is a tortured man, not a happy dappy tree hugger. This book is seriously fascinating. It speaks to anyone with a love of nature or that has some burning passion, a destiny that is hard to see realized, or maybe you just want to read about someone with a passion like that. It just speaks, period, and that's why you should read it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Riviera Supper Club 1 Year Anniversary Party

About a year ago today I checked out The Riviera Supper Club and Turquoise Room in La Mesa. I never returned, because there are enough restaurants I've never tried around my house, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time there or the meal, I totally did! The bar is gorgeous and sexy, the food delicious. It's a DIY steakhouse that makes for a fun time out with friends or a date.

Saturday January 23rd is their 1 Year Anniversary! It should be a hoppin' good time. Whiskey infused SD fav band, Bartender's Bible plays. Hit up The RIviera Club before heading to dance at The Whistlestop!!

Restaurant Week is Extended!!!

Check out how to get great food at wonderful places on the cheap HERE!!!

Saturday is Your Dancing Dream Come to Live!

Ok their posters suck ass but it's sort of their thing you know? WHO CARES. Because these DJ's put on a night on the 2nd and 4th that blows all other nights in SD out of the water. I'm not lying. They play the BEST MUSIC EVER. Every dance floor hit you'd ever want to hear, they make it impossible to catch your breath because you just wanna keep working it! I can't wait!!

@ The Whistlestop Bar in South Park
$5 Cover, 21+
Saturday January 23rd 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tips and Techniques for Driving in Rain

Nobody in Southern Cali knows how to drive in the rain, chances are most cars don't even have good windsheild wipers (if not go get some STAT!). Below are some tips for driving in the rain, take heed, we've got a few more days of this weather!

When the road is wet, the film of the water on the asphalt causes tires to lose traction. Less obvious is the fact that rain reduces driver perception — it's harder to see through the rain — and also decreases visibility through its action on headlights, windshields and the road itself. While most people know to slow down in the rain, there are definitely other tips that will help keep you, and those who share the road with you, from becoming a statistic.

  • Exercise extreme caution after a long dry spell. During a dry period, engine oil and grease build up on the road over time. When mixed with water from a new rainfall, the road becomes extremely slick. Continued rainfall will eventually wash away the oil, but the first few hours can be the most dangerous.

  • Allow for more travel time. You should plan to drive at a slower pace than normal when the roads are wet. Keep in mind that traffic is likely to be moving slower as well. There's also the possibility that your preplanned route may be flooded or jammed. Whatever the case, rushing equals higher risk.

  • Brake earlier and with less force than you would normally. Not only does this increase the stopping distance between you and the car in front of you, it also lets the driver behind you know that you're slowing down. Also, be more meticulous about using turn signals, so that other drivers know your intentions, and take turns and curves with less speed than you would in dry conditions.

  • Most of America's roads are crowned in the middle, which means that the water will run off to the sides. If possible, stay toward the middle of the road to avoid deep standing puddles.

  • Don't use cruise control. If you hydroplane, there's the chance your car could actually accelerate. Cruise control also allows drivers to be less vigilant and to take their foot away from the pedals — not a great idea when reaction time is so important.

  • If you see a large puddle up ahead, drive around it or choose a different route. It could be that it's covering a huge gaping maw into the front door of hell. Well, maybe not, but water splashing up into your car's engine compartment could damage its internal electrical systems. Also, a pothole may be hiding under the water, just waiting in ambush to damage a wheel or knock your suspension out of alignment. If you can't gauge the depth, or if it's covering up the side curb, try to avoid it.

  • Don't attempt to cross running water. This ain't an SUV commercial, and you'll probably get into a heckuva lot of trouble if the force of the water is greater than the weight of your vehicle. All-wheel drive isn't going to be much help if your vehicle is being pushed sideways. Don't end up like those folks on the nightly news who had to abandon their cars to Mother Nature.

  • After you cross a puddle, tap on your brake pedal lightly to dry off some of the water on your rotors.

  • Turn on your headlights, even when there's a light sprinkle. It helps you see the road, and more importantly, it helps other motorists see you. However, don't blast your high beams in the rain or fog — it'll obscure your view further, as the light will reflect back at you off the water droplets in the air. If your car is equipped with foglights, you may find it helpful to turn these on, as they throw a little extra light on the road while making your car easier to see.

  • Watch out for pedestrians. An ordinarily observant pedestrian may become distracted by fiddling with an umbrella or a rain slicker. Plus, raindrops deaden sound, so the usual audio clues for measuring car distances become obscured. Keep a sharp lookout for people in the road.

  • If it's raining so hard that you can't see the road or the car in front of you, pull over and wait it out.

  • Track the car ahead of you. Let the car ahead pave a clear path, so to speak, through the water.

  • Give a truck or bus extra distance. Their extra-large tires can create enough spray to block your vision completely. Avoid passing one, but if you must pass, do it as quickly as safety allows.

  • Defog your windows. Rain will quickly cause your windshield to fog up. Switch on both front and rear defrosters and make sure the air conditioning is turned on. Most cars' climate control systems will automatically engage the A/C when the windshield defrost function is selected.

  • If you start to hydroplane, don't brake suddenly or turn the wheel, or you might spin into a skid. Release the gas pedal slowly and steer straight until the car regains traction. If you must brake, tap the brake pedal (unless you have antilock brakes, in which case you can put your foot down).

Zensei Sushi and Yogurtland Suck, I can gripe if I want to!

Zensei Sushi on the border of South/North Park was the placed we picked for a friend's birthday lunch. I ignored the powerful bleach smell as we walked in. I even ignored the super rude server, the only one working, who was no doubt very blazed and grumpy, bad combo. I ignored the fact that they wouldn't let me use the gift certificate I had for a lunch special. Hell, I even ignored that fact that the basic rolls were half the size of any other sushi places that I've eaten (and pricier), and I've eaten a shit ton of sushi at a shit ton of places. What I couldn't ignore was that our spicy tuna roll was made with rotten fish and tasted so. Fuck Zensei Shushi.
It's like Mexican food, there's a million place I could go for a cali burrito/spicy tuna roll so if you SUCK I'll never be eating there again. Who fucks up a TUNA ROLL!?!?! $60 for 4 crappy ass rolls and soup later we rolled out super pissed off. Server hadn't said a word to us.....

Yogurtland is the yogurt place in the heart of Little Italy. It has great flavors in a neat setting and good prices. When I went up to the counter to weigh my cup it came out to $2.56. I handed over my debit card (I never carry cash, what can I say). It was denied. My dumb ass bank has a separate credit/debit and debit card, I only brought my debit so they couldn't run it as credit. Dumb I know. So the cashier, who was being cool, asked the manager what to do. I said I def had money, had just used the debit card at Target. He stared at me, took my yogurt and threw it away in front of me and said "Sorry" in a tone that really meant "Nice try cheapskate." I was appalled. I had eaten there dozens of times, taken my office there for an office outing, recommended it to people all the time! The yogurt costed LESS THAN THREE DOLLARS and he threw it away right in front of me instead of showing some Class A customer service and letting it slide on the house. Truly bad business. Turns out I had some money in my car but I was too angry and embarrassed to return. Haven't returned since and I refer everyone to Golden Spoon or Yo-gart now....

America's best-known critic falls off the 'Avatar' bandwagon

From the LA Times:
Way, way back in December -- meaning all of five weeks ago -- Roger Ebert was saying that "Avatar" was a huge, groundbreaking film, calling it the kind of "sensational" movie that made him feel "sort of the same as I did when I saw 'Star Wars' in 1977."

But now, the ardor of America's leading film critic for "Avatar" has -- ahem -- cooled considerably. As Ebert twittered: "The year's best picture? Give me a [bleep] break."

Is this the beginning of an "Avatar" backlash, now that the film has made untold billions of dollars and is the prohibitive favorite to win the Oscar for best picture? As we all know, critics love to champion underdog movies. But when you're the top dog, you become the target for all sorts of nasty critical revisionism. If I were

Rainbow Appears after Chargers Loss

After yet another disappointing playoff defeat for the Chargers it started raining. GREAT! Just what we needed after being embarrassed on our own turf by the Poo York Jets. As a few of us stepped outside for cigs and lamenting there appeared a rainbow in the sky, rarely seen in a land of no rain (ok cept this week!). It was kind of nice, made things a tiny bit less sad sad sad.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Coachella 2010 Lineup Announced

Pretty lackluster for a Coachella lineup in my opinion. For big names, JayZ, Echo and the Bunnymen, Devo and a few others, are cool (ain't no Prince...). And in the realm of the lesser known names, if you go, check out Deer Tick, really awesome talent. Otherwise, enjoy the extreme heat, smelly hippies, and sullen indie kids.


L.A. coast slammed by tornado-like storm

WEATHER!?!?!?!?! Yes, we've got weather baby. Ok so yes, maybe after a huge SD downpour yesterday things ended sunny and calm but in LA there was supposedly HAIL and TORNADOES!? Nutty. And there is more to come, check out the 10 Day San Diego Forecast.

From The LA Times
With storms expected to drop heavy rain on the Southland this week, a storm with tornado-like strength pounded the Southern California coast this afternoon, flipping a car, causing major street flooding, damaging homes and stranding motorists.

The National Weather Service had issued a tornado warning for the South Los Angeles, Long Beach and Whittier areas this afternoon.

Witnesses reported seeing a tornado touch down in Sunset Beach and lift boats out of the water as it came onshore. Flooding and loose boats were reported throughout Sunset Beach and Huntington Harbor. A CNN television news report showed footage of a dozens of cars struggling to drive through flood waters in Long Beach and San Pedro.

Amazing Story of Child Rescued from Korea

When's the last time you watched a TED speech? I've said it on this blog before but TED is fucking amazing. It's a yearly conference of the brightest, smartest, coolest minds on the planet. Scientists, cartoonists,astronomers, writers, people who create and conceptualize, musicians,activists. It's unreal, you have to be invited or apply to attend. Which most of us never will. But you can check out the awesome videos at None of them are boring and all leave you thinking, which is more than I can say for most of the shit on the rest of the internet. I watched many of them last night and this one was really special. Next time clicking your way around youporn or Hulu, forcing yourself to watch crap tv cuz "there is nothing else on" check out TED and feed your head. I just made that rhyme up lol. That's TED baby! hehe

Child Terrorist on Conan

First I thought, haha this is pretty silly and funny. Then I wanted to know the REAL story. Then I thought, this kid is 8?! Is he malnourished or do I not know what kids look like at certain ages!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rent/ Do Not Rent (Queue/Do Not Queue)

It was rent one movie, get one free day at Blockbuster. I found out when I had already settled on a movie I hadn't heard of called Expired about two super awkward parking meter maids trying to fall in love. I thought, hey, maybe it has some Reno 911esque moments. When I rolled up to the counter the sales lady told me the days special and hooked me up with Man on the Moon, the story of Andy Kaufman by Jim Carrey. I don't think I would have rented it otherwise even though I love Jim Carrey, quazi documentaries and it he won a Golden Globe for it. Turns out Blockbuster lady got it RIGHT and I got it WRONG.

RENT: Man On Moon
Awesome R.E.M. infused soundtrack aside, you get a sneak peek into the life of a "song and dance" man as Andy Kaufman called himself. He's outrageous and over the top. He died in the 80's but his name lives on whenever mentioned people that when above and beyond the call of entertainment. Jim Carrey def deserved the award!

DO NOT RENT: Expired
I know you weren't going to rent it anyway but still. It's awkward in the painful way, not the quirky cute way. It's ends aiight but not good. Glad I saw Man on Moon second!

Nikon Projector Camera Review

Nikon CoolPix S1000pj
Editors' rating: 3.5 out of 5
The good:Compact, attractive body with a projector built into the front for instant slideshows up to 40 inches in size.
The bad: Photo quality, shooting performance, and features are all that of a less expensive camera.

The bottom line: The Nikon Coolpix S1000pj is all about the built-in projector; if you don't need it, you don't need this camera.
Read CNET's full review
Price range: $359.00 - $429.99

Odd Hillcrest Sighting

My fair neighborhood of Hillcrest has no lack of odd sightings. I have no idea what water conscious cig butt loving bum left this...

Kraft Pays Billions to Poison Cadbury Eggs too!

Most things Kraft makes are stuffed to the max with high fructose corn syrup (its the cheapest, easiest to get content in the nation, it's added to virtually all packaged food, and it fucks up our bodies natural system). Now your 186 Year Old Cadbury Creme Eggs will give you diabetes, just like you always wanted!

After a four-month battle, Cadbury's board has accepted Kraft's $19.4 billion takeover offer, ending 186 years as an independent company. Over the past few months, Hershey was also considering a takeover bid, but a source told CNN Money that the chocolate maker would likely drop out of the running if Cadbury agreed to an offer from Kraft. Kraft will pay 60 percent of the price in cash, a move that, because it reduces the stock element, should appease Kraft's biggest investor, Warren Buffett, reported CNN Money . The Oracle of Omaha reportedly had the ear of those responsible for making the final offer.

Read the Rest on CNN Money

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nick's at The Beach and Nick's at the Pier

Whether you like hangin with bros and hos in PB (Nick's at the Beach) or stoners and hippies in OB (Nick's at the Pier) you can hit up the specials at Nick's every night of the week. Check out below for a reason to dine right by the shore, no matter what flavor you like your beach town in!

Monday - Happy Hour Food 7:00pm to Close
Tuesday - $2 Tacos and $5.00 Tequillas
Wednesday - $5.00 Whiskey Drinks
Thursday - Burger and a Beer $6.00 (16 Domestic Draft & Nick’s Burger)
Saturday - 25% of Bottles of wine, $2.00 Mimosa
Sundays - $2.00 Mimosa

Jay-z and Beyonce, King and Queen of Entertainment

(They are also one of America's most fav couples to imagine knocking boots....)

The pair who married quietly in 2008 are indisputably the king and queen of Tinseltown, according toForbes' list of top-earning couples. They're both huge stars in their own right, but Beyoncé was the biggest earner, bringing in $87 million between June 2008 and June 2009, compared with Jay-Z's $35 million. Their combined earnings of $122 million are the result of their work in the music business, but also their clothing lines and endorsements. No one even comes close to reaching their joint level of earning power. In second place, it's Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart, with a combined $69 million, mostly thanks to Ford's work in the latest Indiana Jones flick. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie come in third place, with $55 million, split pretty evenly between each of them.

Craigslist Missed Connection: Don't Worry Be Happy Lady

**To the Elderly Lady Skipping in North Park** (North Park, baby!)

Date: 2010-01-12, 5:26PM PST
Reply to:

You crossed the street in front of my car the other day, at the corner of 30th and University. You looked like a completely normal elderly woman, except when the "Walk" sign lit up, you skipped across the intersection, swinging your black shopping bag. That, and you were dressed in a peculiar get-up of pink pants and a purple shirt. I don't know if you were just feeling young and spry, or if you had just a touch of a mental issue, but either way, you made my day. My day had started out crappy and I smiled my first smile of the day when I saw you skipping across the street, then returning to a casual amble once you reached the south side. Everyone in the cars around me was grinning too........thanks!

Location: North Park, baby!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1549964615

Friday, January 15, 2010

Midnight Movies at Ken Cinema 2010

On Saturday nights at Ken Cinema you can plunk down $7.25 and watch a great array of classic and cult movies with other people who like watching movies at midnite in Kensington. This Saturday night is The Royal Tennebaums, check below for other upcoming Midnight Movie titles!!

Sat, Jan 16: Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums
Sat, Jan 23: Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange
Sat, Jan 30: Jeff Bridges in the Coen Bros' The Big Lebowski
Sat, Feb 6: Kurt Russell in John Carpenter's The Thing
Sat, Feb 13: Steve Spielberg's E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Sat, Feb 20: Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction
Sat, Feb 27: David Bowie & Jennifer Connelly in Labyrinth

San Diego Restaurant Week is Here!!

San Diego Restaurant Week is BACK! 3 Course Meals at affordable prices and lots of people out and about having a cash saving, tasty food eating, wine drinking good time!!

Welcome to San Diego Restaurant Week
Extraordinary 3 course menus from San Diego's best restaurants. Experience cuisine that delights your palate and defines the art of dining in San Diego. Choose from over 180 of San Diego's best restaurants and enjoy a 3 course meal for $20, $30 or $40 per person, depending on the restaurant. Now is your chance to discover new restaurants and enjoy all your favorites at a discounted price!
San Diego Restaurant Week