Monday, January 25, 2010

A Great Read: The Last American Man

From the author of uber-woman centric masterpiece Eat, Pray, Love comes a book that appeals to anyone, man and woman. The Last American Man is a true story which makes it that much more riveting and extraordinary. It's the story of Eustace Conway, a man who lives off the land. Like extremely off the land. He's this hot tall mountain man who doesn't even have matches, the kind that runs the entire Appalachian trail eating berries and birds he can kill with stones. He rides cross country on a horse with his brother, he travels the US telling people they to can live like he does in a teepee in his forest that he bought. The guy could throw a knife and hill a squirrel when he was seven. But he is a tortured man, not a happy dappy tree hugger. This book is seriously fascinating. It speaks to anyone with a love of nature or that has some burning passion, a destiny that is hard to see realized, or maybe you just want to read about someone with a passion like that. It just speaks, period, and that's why you should read it.

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