Thursday, January 21, 2010

Zensei Sushi and Yogurtland Suck, I can gripe if I want to!

Zensei Sushi on the border of South/North Park was the placed we picked for a friend's birthday lunch. I ignored the powerful bleach smell as we walked in. I even ignored the super rude server, the only one working, who was no doubt very blazed and grumpy, bad combo. I ignored the fact that they wouldn't let me use the gift certificate I had for a lunch special. Hell, I even ignored that fact that the basic rolls were half the size of any other sushi places that I've eaten (and pricier), and I've eaten a shit ton of sushi at a shit ton of places. What I couldn't ignore was that our spicy tuna roll was made with rotten fish and tasted so. Fuck Zensei Shushi.
It's like Mexican food, there's a million place I could go for a cali burrito/spicy tuna roll so if you SUCK I'll never be eating there again. Who fucks up a TUNA ROLL!?!?! $60 for 4 crappy ass rolls and soup later we rolled out super pissed off. Server hadn't said a word to us.....

Yogurtland is the yogurt place in the heart of Little Italy. It has great flavors in a neat setting and good prices. When I went up to the counter to weigh my cup it came out to $2.56. I handed over my debit card (I never carry cash, what can I say). It was denied. My dumb ass bank has a separate credit/debit and debit card, I only brought my debit so they couldn't run it as credit. Dumb I know. So the cashier, who was being cool, asked the manager what to do. I said I def had money, had just used the debit card at Target. He stared at me, took my yogurt and threw it away in front of me and said "Sorry" in a tone that really meant "Nice try cheapskate." I was appalled. I had eaten there dozens of times, taken my office there for an office outing, recommended it to people all the time! The yogurt costed LESS THAN THREE DOLLARS and he threw it away right in front of me instead of showing some Class A customer service and letting it slide on the house. Truly bad business. Turns out I had some money in my car but I was too angry and embarrassed to return. Haven't returned since and I refer everyone to Golden Spoon or Yo-gart now....

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