Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kraft Pays Billions to Poison Cadbury Eggs too!

Most things Kraft makes are stuffed to the max with high fructose corn syrup (its the cheapest, easiest to get content in the nation, it's added to virtually all packaged food, and it fucks up our bodies natural system). Now your 186 Year Old Cadbury Creme Eggs will give you diabetes, just like you always wanted!

After a four-month battle, Cadbury's board has accepted Kraft's $19.4 billion takeover offer, ending 186 years as an independent company. Over the past few months, Hershey was also considering a takeover bid, but a source told CNN Money that the chocolate maker would likely drop out of the running if Cadbury agreed to an offer from Kraft. Kraft will pay 60 percent of the price in cash, a move that, because it reduces the stock element, should appease Kraft's biggest investor, Warren Buffett, reported CNN Money . The Oracle of Omaha reportedly had the ear of those responsible for making the final offer.

Read the Rest on CNN Money

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