Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rent/ Do Not Rent (Queue/Do Not Queue)

It was rent one movie, get one free day at Blockbuster. I found out when I had already settled on a movie I hadn't heard of called Expired about two super awkward parking meter maids trying to fall in love. I thought, hey, maybe it has some Reno 911esque moments. When I rolled up to the counter the sales lady told me the days special and hooked me up with Man on the Moon, the story of Andy Kaufman by Jim Carrey. I don't think I would have rented it otherwise even though I love Jim Carrey, quazi documentaries and it he won a Golden Globe for it. Turns out Blockbuster lady got it RIGHT and I got it WRONG.

RENT: Man On Moon
Awesome R.E.M. infused soundtrack aside, you get a sneak peek into the life of a "song and dance" man as Andy Kaufman called himself. He's outrageous and over the top. He died in the 80's but his name lives on whenever mentioned people that when above and beyond the call of entertainment. Jim Carrey def deserved the award!

DO NOT RENT: Expired
I know you weren't going to rent it anyway but still. It's awkward in the painful way, not the quirky cute way. It's ends aiight but not good. Glad I saw Man on Moon second!

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