Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Amazing Story of Child Rescued from Korea

When's the last time you watched a TED speech? I've said it on this blog before but TED is fucking amazing. It's a yearly conference of the brightest, smartest, coolest minds on the planet. Scientists, cartoonists,astronomers, writers, people who create and conceptualize, musicians,activists. It's unreal, you have to be invited or apply to attend. Which most of us never will. But you can check out the awesome videos at None of them are boring and all leave you thinking, which is more than I can say for most of the shit on the rest of the internet. I watched many of them last night and this one was really special. Next time clicking your way around youporn or Hulu, forcing yourself to watch crap tv cuz "there is nothing else on" check out TED and feed your head. I just made that rhyme up lol. That's TED baby! hehe

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