Thursday, January 28, 2010

iPad. Somebody shoulda rethought that name...

Apple revealed it's new tablet yesterday, unfortunately named, the iPad. Like most people it instantly made me snicker and crack a few jokes about feminine hygiene products. Why not name the next iPod the iTampon? When's the next iDouche coming out Jobs? Whatever. The thing is sleek like ALL Apple products. Does cool shit, like ALL Apple products. Costs more than its rivals, like ALL Apple products and has had more hype than its worth. Like ALL Apple products. Check out the video and see for yourself why the iPad is just another piece of technology that cyber dorks will HAVE TO HAVE but you and I will not. Yes the browser is fast. But bottom line, it's a massive iPhone or its like you broke the screen off your laptop and can now touch it. They try and make is seem revolutionary but it's a screen. A screen you touch to use. And that is it.

Read more about the naming fiasco on The Washington Post and see the Mad TV iPad sketch below, done before the reveal!

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