Monday, August 31, 2009

Suprise Street Scene Fav: The Deadweather

Instead of buying overpriced Street Scene tickets I signed up to bartend. I made $400, got free beer and got to see every band that I wanted to see. The bar I worked at was right smack dab between the two main stages and I made sure and took my dinner break when the other bands I wanted to see were playing. Some of the best parts were Band of Horses, Public Enemy, Modest Mouse (who has disappointed MANY times before but had a great show) and another bomb MIA show. My super surprise favorite of the whole event was The Deadweather though.


Seriously, with Alison Mossharts (The Kills, Discount) super strong rock star voice and no gimmicks rock and roll demeanor, Jack White on drums, guitarist Dean Ferita (Queens of the Stone Age) and Bassist Jack Lawrence (The Racountours) this super group KILLED IT! You had to fucking pull out a lighter, raise your beer, scream, air guitar, or something it was that good. Face melting. I miss rock and roll man. After Devandra Banhart and Ra RaRiot it was nice to de-pussify the air and get a real show going. You don't need gimmick to make music if you got the talent man. I can't wait to take a long drive to Vegas with The Deadweather playing!!

How It Started:
In January 2009, Mosshart, Fertita, Lawrence, and White got together for an impromptu jam at White's Third Man studio. The session was followed by two-and-a-half weeks of song writing and recording, during which the Dead Weather formed. Said White: "Things just started to happen. We didn't have a direction. We just went a song a day, two songs a day, whatever we could do and recorded them on the fly... There was no time to think about what it was. It just was."


The Deadweather Website

HILARIOUS Random Thoughts

Random thoughts from people ages 25-35:

-I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

-Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you
realize you're wrong.

-I don't understand the purpose of the line, "I don't need to drink to
have fun." Great, no one does. But why start a fire with flint and
sticks when they've invented the lighter?

-That's enough, Nickelback.

-I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

-Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the "people you may know"
feature on Facebook people that I do know, but I deliberately choose
not to be friends with?

-Do you remember when you were a kid, playing Nintendo and it wouldn't
work? You take the cartridge out, blow in it and that would magically
fix the problem. Every kid in America did that, but how did we all
know how to fix the problem? There was no internet or message boards
or FAQ's. We just figured it out. Today's kids are soft.

-There is a great need for sarcasm font.

-Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and
suddenly realize I had no idea what the f was going on when I first
saw it.

-I think everyone has a movie that they love so much, it actually
becomes stressful to watch it with other people. I'll end up wasting
90 minutes shiftily glancing around to confirm that everyone's
laughing at the right parts, then making sure I laugh just a little
bit harder (and a millisecond earlier) to prove that I'm still the
only one who really, really gets it.

-How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

-I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than
take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.

- I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear
your computer history if you die.

-The only time I look forward to a red light is when I’m trying to
finish a text.

- A recent study has shown that playing beer pong contributes to the
spread of mono and the flu. Yeah, if you suck at it.

- LOL has gone from meaning, "laugh out loud" to "I have nothing else to say".

- I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.

- Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart",
all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart".

- How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod
and smile because you still didn't hear what they said?

- I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars teams up
to prevent a dick from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers!

- Every time I have to spell a word over the phone using 'as in'
examples, I will undoubtedly draw a blank and sound like a complete
idiot. Today I had to spell my boss's last name to an attorney and
said "Yes that's G as in...(10 second lapse)..ummm...Goonies"

-What would happen if I hired two private investigators to follow each other?

- While driving yesterday I saw a banana peel in the road and
instinctively swerved to avoid it...thanks Mario Kart.

- MapQuest really needs to start their directions on #5. Pretty sure I
know how to get out of my neighborhood.

- Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the
person died.

- I find it hard to believe there are actually people who get in the
shower first and THEN turn on the water.

-Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty,
and you can wear them forever.

-I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.

- Bad decisions make good stories

-Whenever I'm Facebook stalking someone and I find out that their
profile is public I feel like a kid on Christmas morning who just got
the Red Ryder BB gun that I always wanted. 546 pictures? Don't mind if
I do!

- Is it just me or do high school girls get sluttier & sluttier every year?

-If Carmen San Diego and Waldo ever got together, their offspring
would probably just be completely invisible.

-Why is it that during an ice-breaker, when the whole room has to go
around and say their name and where they are from, I get so incredibly
nervous? Like I know my name, I know where I'm from, this shouldn't be
a problem....

-You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work
when you've made up your mind that you just aren't doing anything
productive for the rest of the day.

-Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after DVDs? I don't
want to have to restart my collection.

-There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are
going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.

-I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me
if I want to save any changes to my ten page research paper that I
swear I did not make any changes to.

- "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this ever.

-I hate being the one with the remote in a room full of people
watching TV. There's so much pressure. 'I love this show, but will
they judge me if I keep it on? I bet everyone is wishing we weren't
watching this. It's only a matter of time before they all get up and
leave the room. Will we still be friends after this?'

-I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello?
Dammit!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and
goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone
and run away?

- I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not
seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

-When I meet a new girl, I'm terrified of mentioning something she
hasn't already told me but that I have learned from some light
internet stalking.

-I like all of the music in my iTunes, except when it's on shuffle,
then I like about one in every fifteen songs in my iTunes.

-Why is a school zone 20 mph? That seems like the optimal cruising
speed for pedophiles...

- As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers,
but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate cyclists.

-Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still
not know what time it is.

-It should probably be called Unplanned Parenthood.

-I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to
answer when they call.

-Even if I knew your social security number, I wouldn't know what do to with it.

-Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car
keys in a pocket, hitting the G-spot, and Pinning the Tail on the
Donkey - but I’d bet my ass everyone can find and push the Snooze
button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time
every time...

-My 4-year old son asked me in the car the other day "Dad what would
happen if you ran over a ninja?" How the hell do I respond to that?

-It really pisses me off when I want to read a story on and
the link takes me to a video instead of text.

-I wonder if cops ever get pissed off at the fact that everyone they
drive behind obeys the speed limit.

-I think the freezer deserves a light as well.

-I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or
Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lites than Kay.

-The other night I ordered takeout, and when I looked in the bag, saw
they had included four sets of plastic silverware. In other words,
someone at the restaurant packed my order, took a second to think
about it, and then estimated that there must be at least four people
eating to require such a large amount of food. Too bad I was eating by
myself. There's nothing like being made to feel like a fat bastard
before dinner.

On This Day In History: Jack the Ripper claims first victim

Prostitute Mary Ann Nichols, the first victim of London serial killer "Jack the Ripper," is found murdered and mutilated in Whitechapel's Buck's Row in 1888. The East End of London saw four more victims of the murderer during the next few months, but no suspect was ever found.

In Victorian England, London's East End was a teeming slum occupied by nearly a million of the city's poorest citizens. Many women were forced to resort to prostitution, and in 1888 there were estimated to be more than 1,000 prostitutes in Whitechapel. That summer, a serial killer began targeting these downtrodden women. On September 8, the killer claimed his second victim, Annie Chapman, and on September 30 two more prostitutes--Liz Stride and Kate Eddowes--were murdered and carved up on the same night. By then, London's police had determined the pattern of the killings. The murderer, offering to pay for sex, would lure his victims onto a secluded street or square and then slice their throats. As the women rapidly bled to death, he would then brutally mutilate them with the same six-inch knife.

The police, who lacked modern forensic techniques such as fingerprinting and blood typing, were at a complete loss for suspects. Dozens of letters allegedly written by the murderer were sent to the police, and the vast majority of these were immediately deemed fraudulent. However, two letters--written by the same individual--alluded to crime facts known only to the police and the killer. These letters, signed "Jack the Ripper," gave rise to the serial killer's popular nickname.

On November 7, after a month of silence, Jack took his fifth and last victim, Irish-born Mary Kelly, an occasional prostitute. Of all his victims' corpses, Kelly's was the most hideously mutilated. In 1892, with no leads found and no more murders recorded, the Jack the Ripper file was closed.

Google Loves MJ Too

Over the weekend Google made a tribute to Michael Jackson in the Google name on their home page. Usually they reserve this distinction for scientists and famous artists. I guess then,it's fitting....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Street Scene is here, where do I schmooze at??

I can't help but think some awesome musicians are tooling around San Diego right now, anybody know where any performers might be staying or dining?? I know that J Six, the restaurant under Hotel Salomar has famous people frequenting it. I wanna rub shoulders with some celebs!!

Anywho, if you could afford tickets or have plans to sneak enjoy your night tonight! I will be serving beer because I am trying to save money for traveling and could not afford tickets but thought, hmmm, might as well make a few hundred bucks AND have the chance to possibly catch a show or two during my dinner break. I've seen all the bands I would have wanted to see anyway. Info and Lineup is below!!

Not Street Scening?? Find Other Crap to Do

Street Scene organizers really screwed themselves when they made a mostly indie festival cost $133 for two days in a recession time. Most of the people that would pee their pants about this festival can hardly make the $5 cover to see a local band in a dive bar. Seems like the fest people realized that early on when they did a lay a way program, no fee's day and now a reduced price for tickets. Last year this show almost (or maybe did) sell out. So if you didn't want to shell out the cash but still want to have fun this weekend, look below!!

-Super Diamond (Neil Diamond Tribute Show) at The Del Mar Racetrack, 7pm $6

GEMATRIA! (International DJ Event) at The Kava Lounge, 9 PM

-Africa Meets Brazil (Multicultural Music and Dance Celebration) World Beat Center, 7 PM $5

-Benefit for St. Kizito (Benefit for Uganadan Children) Epicentre, 6:30pm, $10
(Featuring: Gray Ghosts, Gregory Page, The Howls, Animal Spirt, and more, artwork for sale too)

Ok I got too lazy to type out the haps I was finding on Citybeats Event List, there is a lot of stuff on there from grape stomps, dance fests, Youth Hostel Ice Cream socials and more!!

Check Out The List Here!

County Animal Shelters say "Thank You" by Waiving Fee's!!

Department of Animal Services Hosts Community Appreciation Day Saturday the 29th!!

Visit a County animal shelter Saturday, August 29, and you won’t have to pay the adoption fee for cats and dogs in appreciation of the community’s commitment and compassion for animals.

Only two animals per household can be adopted. All dogs and cats will be neutered or spayed, microchipped and vaccinated before going home with their new owners. Dogs and cats unable to be altered at the time of adoption require a $40 refundable sterilization deposit.

County Animal Shelter locations are:

5480 Gaines Street in Mission Valley

2481 Palomar Airport Road in Carlsbad

5821 Sweetwater Road in Bonita

For more information or to view photos of available animals, CLICK HERE

Go on a cruise!!!

Carnival is having a HUGE sale on cruises!!

Take a four day cruise to Ensenada for $144!?!? Sign me up!! For the amount you'd gladly pay to fly to Seattle you can get an ALL EXPENSES paid trip on the open sea. Cruises cover all your food 24 hours day, and feature activities ranging from snorkeling to dancing till 4AM in the morning. Maybe cruise people aren't the best but everybody is friends when you and the boat are three sheets to the wind!!

CHECK OUT PRICES HERE (The Sale Ends Tomorrow the 29th!!)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Weed is best for...Disneyland??

The Sativa High :
The sativa high is often characterized as uplifting and energetic . The effects of a sativa marijuana are mostly cerebral. They give a feeling of optimism and well - being, as well as providing a good measure of pain relief for certain symptoms. A few pure sativas are also very high in THC content. They are known to have a quite spacey, or hallucinogenic, effect. Sativas are a good choice for daytime smoking.

Note: Sativas are also good if you want to smoke on the job, smoke before talking to non 420-friendly people or smoke in areas with high concentrations of people, like Disneyland, the grocery store, the zoo, etc.
(Try: Kali Mist, Lamb's Breath, White Widow, Juicy Fruit)

The Indica High :
The indica highs are most often described as a pleasant body buzz. Indicas are great for relaxation, stress relief, and for an overall sense of calm and serenity. Marijuana indicas are also very effective for overall body pain relief, and often used in the treatment of insomnia. They are the late - evening choice of many smokers as an all - night sleep aid. A few pure indica strains are very potent in THC, and will cause the "couchlock" effect, enabling the smoker to simply sit still and enjoy the experience of the smoke.

Note: Indicas are best for concerts and all music listening experiences. Also for trippy movies or movies with trip potential. The high is stronger, and lasts longer but you ability to "play it cool" decreases. This weed is WONDERFUL for sex, gotta try it to believe, mindblowing. If you have somewhere to be, don't smoke this. If you have a free and open afternoon, gonna head to the beach, make whoopie, going to have a listening party or just wanna sit and contemplate life, love and happiness, then smoke a bowl of this!
(Try: Trainwreck, Blueberry, Kush, Sour Diesel)

Barbra Streisand

In a 1972 Rolling Stone interview, Babs said, "I'd take out a joint and light it. First, just faking it. Then I started lighting live joints, passing them around to the band, you know. I was great, it relieved all my tensions. And I ended up with the greatest supply of grass ever. Other acts up and down the Strip heard about what I was doing - Little Anthony and the Imperials, people like that - and started sending me the best dope in the world. I never ran out."

Cameron Diaz & Drew Barrymore

Also friends who share.

Justin Timberlake

Timberlake, who used to date Diaz, has been very open about how he smokes weed, sometimes even with is mother. He also admitted that he was stoned out of his mind when he was Punk'd by Ashton Kutcher.

Kimora Lee Simmons

Kimora Lee Simmons took one of the stoniest mugshots after she was arrested in 2004 for possession.

See More Celebrity Marijuana Lovers

It's Gonna Be a Hot One!

How crazy has this summer been!? It's been dilly dallying in the low 70's all summer which was delightful but definitely took the fun out of swimming in the oft much to cold ocean. Then, it ACTUALLY rained in a San Diego summer. It hard rains in our Rainy Season and it NEVER rains in summer. Now it's all hot and humid and gross. I know San Diegans have no right to complain about weather but this heat blows....
Today Tonight



Wind: From NW at 10 mph
Max. Humidity: 45%
UV Index: 10 Very High

Sunrise: 6:20 AM PT
Avg. High: 78°F
Record High: 89°F (1949)

Mostly Clear
Overnight Low


Wind: From S at 5 mph
Max. Humidity: 62%
Sunset: 7:19 PM PT
Avg. Low: 67°F
Record Low: 59°F (1975)

On This Day in History: Krakatoa Explodes

NOTE: Do you think that today they are having specials favorite (and delicious) Golden Hill sandwich shop named Krakatoa?? I'm totally putting in a prank call....

The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatau (also called Krakatoa), a small, uninhabited volcanic island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia, on this day in 1883. Heard 3,000 miles away, the explosions threw five cubic miles of earth 50 miles into the air, created 120-foot tsunamis and killed 36,000 people.

Krakatau exhibited its first stirrings in more than 200 years on May 20, 1883. A German warship passing by reported a seven-mile high cloud of ash and dust over Krakatau. For the next two months, similar explosions would be witnessed by commercial liners and natives on nearby Java and Sumatra. With little to no idea of the impending catastrophe, the local inhabitants greeted the volcanic activity with festive excitement.

On August 26 and August 27, excitement turned to horror as Krakatau literally blew itself apart, setting off a chain of natural disasters that would be felt around the world for years to come. An enormous blast on the afternoon of August 26 destroyed the northern two-thirds of the island; as it plunged into the Sunda Strait, between the Java Sea and Indian Ocean, the gushing mountain generated a series of pyroclastic flows (fast-moving fluid bodies of molten gas, ash and rock) and monstrous tsunamis that swept over nearby coastlines. Four more eruptions beginning at 5:30 a.m. the following day proved cataclysmic. The explosions could be heard as far as 3,000 miles away, and ash was propelled to a height of 50 miles. Fine dust from the explosion drifted around the earth, causing spectacular sunsets and forming an atmospheric veil that lowered temperatures worldwide by several degrees.

Of the estimated 36,000 deaths resulting from the eruption, at least 31,000 were caused by the tsunamis created when much of the island fell into the water. The greatest of these waves measured 120 feet high, and washed over nearby islands, stripping away vegetation and carrying people out to sea. Another 4,500 people were scorched to death from the pyroclastic flows that rolled over the sea, stretching as far as 40 miles, according to some sources.

In addition to Krakatau, which is still active, Indonesia has another 130 active volcanoes, the most of any country in the world.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Axe is Officially for Douche Bags Who Probably Don't Get Laid

If you wear Axe, chances are you aren't getting laid. It's smells like any other dude cologne or body wash, there is nothing in it that will make women run naked towards you or draw them down to your package, hungry to suck you off. If you think this will solve your problems of not getting laid then don't hold you breath (or maybe check your breath, maybe that's the prob?). The commercials are definitely the brainchild of some douche bag who knows how the market the shit out of frustrated dorks everywhere. Hey! Don't worry about developing your A-game or learning how to treat a women, douse yourself in this body spray! And, by the way, last time I heard the word body spray was at my 16 year old birthday party when I was obsessed with Bath and Body Works. Honestly though, I think how Axe works is it gives false confidence to dudes who actually think this soap is going to get them laid and confidence is like half the battle into getting into a girls pants/skirt/skinny jeans. Genius.

Soda, Pop, Coke...or???

If your from California, when you order a soft drink you said: Soda. When I went to visit my dad and his Minnesota native girlfriend she insisted it was Pop. On a family road trip driving through the South I even heard it called cola! The map below shows where people from different regions lay their soft drink name loyalties. I'd like to point out how New Mexico and Nevada are STRONGLY divided within their very own states!

TED Speech on the wonder of ant colonies!

Ok I adore TED Speeches. TED is a conference that brings together the worlds most brilliant people. Science, technology, math, music, art, humor, everything, just the best and they give these intriguing and inspiring speeches through the days they meet. They are posted online on the TED website. I watch them every now and then and am never disspaointed. I watched this one on ants, which I love hearing about because are insanely evolved and interesting, seriously. If you don't believe me, watch the speech below. If ants don't interest watch some of the other videos!!


Interesting Points in the Speech:
-No central control: No ant directs the behavior of any other ant
-Many ants do NOTHING in the colony, contrary to popular belief, they are used as reserves
-Ants don't do the same task their whole lives

What's Up With Cranberries?

I knew they hung out in bogs and stuff but that's about it. Oh, I also knew they were incredibly delicious as a juice and a vital aid in weathering a hangover. That dry crisp bite has seen me through many a rough bar aftermath...

How Cranberries Grow:
Cranberries are a fruit crop that is grown in wet, marshy areas called bogs. They grow best where there is a cool growing season and no extreme cold. Cranberry farms are mostly found in the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia. In the United States, they are grown in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Oregon, and Washington. It is the largest fruit crop for Wisconsin.
The marshy bogs have peat at the bottom. Peat is a layer that is formed when dead plants fall to the bottom of the water and sit there year after year. The cranberry ‘beds’ have a combination of sand and this peat at the bottom. There are usually banks around these cranberry beds. There are ditches around them where the farmer can let in water from higher holding places like reservoirs.
Planting is done in April. Farmers use this time to replant beds that haven’t been growing as many cranberries as they should. The farmer will mow plants in other cranberry beds and lay the mowed cuttings on the new bed. The cranberry vines will grow from this. A tractor will pull a spreader through so that the cuttings are evenly laid out. A mechanical planter will follow the spreader and pushes the cuttings into the ground. The bed will be ready to harvest in about 4-5 years.
In the spring, the vines are green. Buds will grow on the woody stems. The buds look like small, red-green twists of shiny leaves. These are called uprights because they grow upward.
Farmers watch out for frost that can ruin the plants. Alarm systems tell the farmer when temperatures are too low. The farmer will spray the bogs with a mist of water when they think they will have frost. This mist freezes and puts off heat that keeps the plants warm. Farmers use their sprinkler systems for this.
During the spring and summer, farmers mow the areas around the banks of the bogs. They cut down anything that will shade the plants because they won’t grow so well if they don’t do this. In June, pink and white cranberry blossoms appear. Farmers hire beekeepers to bring in their bees to spread pollen. The blossoms die and green pinheads are formed. These become the berries. For the rest of the summer, the farmer watches for pests. They fertilize the plants if they need it.

In October, the plants have red berries and they are ready to pick. The farmer floods the beds one at a time. Wet harvesting is when water reels are driven through the beds. These reels churn up the water and knock the berries off of the vines. The berries float on top of the water. A boom, or a floating tube, round up the berries. You can see a boom in the picture to the right. When they are rounded up, the cranberries are put on a conveyor belt that takes them to barrels.
If the farmer chooses to dry harvest, the bogs don’t get flooded. Machines would pick the cranberries and then put them into bags. The cranberries are put on screens where the extra junk like twigs and leaves stay on the screen and the berries fall through. The cranberries are put in crates. Bruised and banged up ones become jelly or juice. The good ones are sold as whole berries.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are is probs gonna be bad ass

Why It Might be Bomb:
-Directed by Spike Jonze (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich,...Jackass (?))
-Produced by Tom Hanks
-Trailer song "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire
-Yeah Yeah Yeah's front woman Karen O doing the bulk of the soundtrack (Here the first single All is Love)
-It comes out October 16th, 2009!!!

O also produced the Wild Things soundtrack. Set for September 29, the album brings together an ad hoc group of musicians including Brian Chase and Nick Zinner from Yeah Yeah Yeahs along with Tristan Bechet (Services), Tom Biller (Afternoons), Bradford Cox (Deerhunter), Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age), Aaron Hemphill (Liars), Greg Kurstin (The Bird and the Bee), Jack Lawrence (The Raconteurs), Oscar Michel (Gris Gris) and Imaad Wasif (New Folk Implosion).

Juciy Tidbit:
Karen O and Spike Jonez used to date...

Cheap SoCal Flights, take a mini vakay??

Fares from Southern California were just slashed to $49-$109 each way in a new sale from
Virgin America. Ticket prices on this award-winning airline
are now up to $100 less than other airlines' roundtrip fares.

The sale is for travel Aug. 28 - Nov. 18, Dec. 2-16 and Jan.
6 - Feb. 10. Tickets must be purchased by Sept. 8, though
availability at $49-$109 might sell quickly on some routes.

Fares from LAX, Orange County and San Diego (each way):
- San Francisco ... $49
- Seattle ... $69
- Boston ... $109
- Fort Lauderdale ... $109
- New York City ... $109
- Washington, D.C. ... $109

(Ya'll know I adore this awesome airline, experience flying like it used to be, glamorous, fun and worth the hundreds that you are paying!)

New song from The Muslims (aka The Soft Pack)

I love pretty much every song The Muslims (now known as The Soft Pack) put out and this one is no different. They have a huge tour on lock with overseas dates and gigs that span the whole country. Best of luck to them!! Check out the video below and they have a new website up as well!

See the new Soft Pack Website

Soft Pack Tour
(If you know people that lives in these areas, tell them to get their asses to the shows and be the cool friend that know good music:)

# 09/16 The Soft Pack in Los Angeles, CA
# 09/17 The Soft Pack in San Francisco, CA
# 09/18 The Soft Pack in Portland, Oregon
# 09/19 The Soft Pack in Seattle, WA
# 09/23 The Soft Pack in Minneapolis, MN
# 09/24 The Soft Pack in Madison, WI
# 09/25 The Soft Pack in Chicago, IL
# 09/26 The Soft Pack in Indianapolis, IN
# 09/27 The Soft Pack in Detroit, MI
# 09/29 The Soft Pack in Toronto, ON
# 10/01 The Soft Pack in Philadelphia, PA
# 10/02 The Soft Pack in New York, NY
# 10/03 The Soft Pack in Boston, MA
# 10/09 The Soft Pack in Houston, TX
# 11/06 The Soft Pack in Paris, France

NOO!! Archie chooses hot bitch over sweet cutie!!

WTF!?!??! It's the class struggle over the hot bitch and the sweet cutie. Veronica has money, better, thicker hair and a wardrobe to die for. She's sexy but she was a total bitch! She was even a dick to Archie's best friend Jughead, even though he is a bit odd. She has no skills and isn't fun, nice or interesting. Betty is a total sweetheart, down to earth, smart, nice to Jughead and has that hot blond All American, girl next door look. She is much more suited to goofy but lovable Archie. It's like, so what if a girl is sexy if shes mean and probably a prude ice queen in bed? But you know what? Men are so much more visually oriented, we can't expect them to pick a woman based on personality, at least above looks. Dudes don't always need a smart interesting girl, they have their dudes for conversation and communing, they just need a women for sex and the hotter the better. When a hot ass woman gives her love, feeble or in-genuine as it may be, he can't help but want to lock that shit down. We are animals, can't blame a man for being a slave to the T&A. But I guess I just always wanted Archie to pick Betty, like most of us women. Even Jughead looks bummed on the cover. That is a HUGE sign that something might be wrong, if your best friends can't be happy for you. I don't think this is the end....

Orchestra Meets The Doors, SD Summer Pops!

Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 7:30pm
Embarcadero Marina Park South

The Lizard King lives! Don't miss this one-night-only tribute to The Doors, musical poets of the 1960s. Hear the classic Doors hits including Hello, I Love You; Break on Through (To the Other Side); L.A. Woman - all from a live rock band with rock concert lighting, powered by the grandeur of San Diego Symphony. From the producers of our recent smash hit “Music of Led Zeppelin”.

Check Out the Concert Info

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hilarious Bum Sign:

Written on a piece of cardboard and held by a bum in the movie The Wackness (which was aiight):

" Need Money for Alcohol Research"

LOVE IT! I'd toats give that guy spare change. I love the upfront, honest, humorous and witty signs. The ones that play to the heart strings, you know your general: Out of Work, Help Feed My Kids, Disabled Veteran, those just make me feel bad and sad and cause me to look away, ironic I know. But the funny ones give me a chuckle and that's worth a few coins right?

I found a place online that is a Bum Homeless Sign Gallery if you like reading them too, check it out!

Ebaums World

Cankle Blues

NOTE: Everyone knows what cankles are right?? Apparently the readers of CNN's Blog, er website, don't. They had an entire article dedicated to cankles and acted like it was some new outlandish word, yet to touch the human vernacular...Weird. Either way cankles suck to look at and I'm sure, suck to have. Did you know they have cankle surgery? Of course the do...any place to make money. And as the American waistline expands, so are cankle appearances, great...

Cankles? What are cankles? We've heard about saddle bags, muffin tops and love handles, but it seems that some women and men of the 21st century are now focused on the chubby joints of their lower extremities.

Far from being a medical term, "cankles" is slang for the part of the leg where the ankle meets the calf when there is no definition or indentation. In most cases, cankles are just large ankles -- what used to be called "big bones." But in society's quest for all things thin and shapely, big-boned ankles have taken on a name -- and a life -- of their own.

According to podiatrists, the average ankle size is about 10 to 11 inches around; men's ankles may be a little larger. The American Podiatric Medical Association does not recognize cankles as a medical problem, but according to Dr. Kathya Zinszer, a physician at Temple University's School of Podiatric Medicine, cankles can be caused by all types of medical issues.

"Things like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular risks, sometimes just lymphedema," says Zinszer. "All of those can lend themselves to deformed ankles or what people are [calling] cankles." But Zinszer says that most cankles are "God-given."

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Is beloved Lady Gaga a fraud?

NOTE: The evidence (in pictures) sure seems to allude to that, I hope it's not true I love Lady Gaga! Thing is, she can still sing and entertain, that's not something you can steal, but her style is a huge part of her allure...

Lady Gaga Vs. Roisin Murphy - Spot The Difference
Posted Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:42am
By Luke Lewis in The NME Blog

It's the pop scandal of the century. Or, more accurately, it's the Twitter-trending topic of the past 20 minutes: Did Lady Gaga steal her look from Irish electro ice-maiden Roisin Murphy?

Yes she did, according to Murphy herself, who told Irish Central: "Lady Gaga is just a poor imitation of me. She has copied my style."

And the pictures, courtesy of Idolator, would seem to bear her claims out:

Thing is, Lady Gaga is far from the only musician to take visual clues from someone else. Manic Street Preachers started out aping the Clash, with their slogan T-shirts. Coldplay nicked their French revolutionary jackets from the Sgt. Pepper sleeve (via Arcade Fire). Elvis Presley pinched his "jumpsuit-era" look from comic book hero Captain Marvel Jr.

Neither is Gaga the first musician to come over all stalkerish in her commitment to aping another artist. Kasabian's Tom Meighan would clearly kill to be Liam Gallagher. Brandon Flowers flits between wanting to be Bruce Springsteen and wanting to be the Pet Shop Boys' Neil Tennant. In La Roux's head, she's a cross between Annie Lennox and Adam Ant.

On This Day In History: Vesuvius Erupts

After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy in 79 AD, devastating the prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands. The cities, buried under a thick layer of volcanic material and mud, were never rebuilt and largely forgotten in the course of history. In the 18th century, Pompeii and Herculaneum were rediscovered and excavated, providing an unprecedented archaeological record of the everyday life of an ancient civilization, startlingly preserved in sudden death.

The ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum thrived near the base of Mount Vesuvius at the Bay of Naples. In the time of the early Roman Empire, 20,000 people lived in Pompeii, including merchants, manufacturers, and farmers who exploited the rich soil of the region with numerous vineyards and orchards. None suspected that the black fertile earth was the legacy of earlier eruptions of Mount Vesuvius. Herculaneum was a city of 5,000 and a favorite summer destination for rich Romans. Named for the mythic hero Hercules, Herculaneum housed opulent villas and grand Roman baths. Gambling artifacts found in Herculaneum and a brothel unearthed in Pompeii attest to the decadent nature of the cities. There were smaller resort communities in the area as well, such as the quiet little town of Stabiae.

At noon on August 24, 79 A.D., this pleasure and prosperity came to an end when the peak of Mount Vesuvius exploded, propelling a 10-mile mushroom cloud of ash and pumice into the stratosphere. For the next 12 hours, volcanic ash and a hail of pumice stones up to 3 inches in diameter showered Pompeii, forcing the city's occupants to flee in terror. Some 2,000 people stayed in Pompeii, holed up in cellars or stone structures, hoping to wait out the eruption.

A westerly wind protected Herculaneum from the initial stage of the eruption, but then a giant cloud of hot ash and gas surged down the western flank of Vesuvius, engulfing the city and burning or asphyxiating all who remained. This lethal cloud was followed by a flood of volcanic mud and rock, burying the city.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Local Hero's Again, Tonite: Pinback

Pinback is comprised of two core members, the prolific Armistead Burwell Smith IV (Zach) and the inexhaustible Rob Crow. The San Diego band has blossomed since its inception in 1998.

The concert is free with your paid track admission. No reserved seats, standing room only so get here early.

Del Mar Scene Website

Reggae It Up: Steel Pulse at Del Mar

The roots reggae Grammy award-winning band Steel Pulse formed in 1975 in the United Kingdom. They are returning to Del Mar with the message of hope, education and activism has struck a chord with music lovers worldwide.

The concert is free with your paid track admission ($6). No reserved seats, standing room only so get here early. Concert starts after the races.

Del Mar Scene Website

On This Day In History: Hawaii becomes 50th state

NOTE: This blogger is a proud ex- Hawaiian resident. I lived in Kailua on the island of Oahu. Hawaii, for all it's problems and issues, remains a magical 7th wonder of the world. A must visit in your life, I recommend the island of Kauai.

The modern United States receives its crowning star when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a proclamation admitting Hawaii into the Union as the 50th state in 1959. The president also issued an order for an American flag featuring 50 stars arranged in staggered rows: five six-star rows and four five-star rows. The new flag became official July 4, 1960.

The first known settlers of the Hawaiian Islands were Polynesian voyagers who arrived sometime in the eighth century. In the early 18th century, American traders came to Hawaii to exploit the islands' sandalwood, which was much valued in China at the time. In the 1830s, the sugar industry was introduced to Hawaii and by the mid 19th century had become well established. American missionaries and planters brought about great changes in Hawaiian political, cultural, economic, and religious life. In 1840, a constitutional monarchy was established, stripping the Hawaiian monarch of much of his authority.

In 1893, a group of American expatriates and sugar planters supported by a division of U.S. Marines deposed Queen Liliuokalani, the last reigning monarch of Hawaii. One year later, the Republic of Hawaii was established as a U.S. protectorate with Hawaiian-born Sanford B. Dole as president. Many in Congress opposed the formal annexation of Hawaii, and it was not until 1898, following the use of the naval base at Pearl Harbor during the Spanish-American War, that Hawaii's strategic importance became evident and formal annexation was approved. Two years later, Hawaii was organized into a formal U.S. territory. During World War II, Hawaii became firmly ensconced in the American national identity following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

In March 1959, the U.S. government approved statehood for Hawaii, and in June the Hawaiian people voted by a wide majority to accept admittance into the United States. Two months later, Hawaii officially became the 50th state.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare Hypocrisy at It's Very Best

This has to be the BEST example of hypocrisy I've seen on The Daily Show yet. This whole healthcare debaucle is such a shame. This could be a real opportunity to reform healthcare in this country if everyone would calm down and focus on the facts. Instead you have people rioting at town hall meetings and bringing GUNS!?!? Guns to a healtcare meeting...come on America. Please, please watch the clip below. Fox News is spreading lies about this bill that could help a lot of people who aren't getting healthcare. Like pretty much ALL of my friends....I remember my friend crying and pleading with us not to take her to the emergency room when she had excruciating stomach pains because she didn't have health insurance. Turns our her appendix was about a day from bursting, shes still paying off the bill and that was 3 years ago but she might have been in grave danger if she didn't go in. Another friend had an ambulance called for her after a minor injury and the bill was $5000 just for the ride and visit. She couldn't pay her bill, it went to collections and she had to drop out of college because she lost her loan and couldn't get credit to continue. Stop thwarting the effort to get people serious medical help people!!!

Mission Nights Tonite

Make it a big Wednesday Night and Hit Up Hillcrest Art Nite after perusing this event! See the poster for that a few posts below....

Flying the Skies with Adele

On my first AMAZING flight with Virgin Airlines I got to watch music videos, which I rarely do. I don't have a TV and googling videos usually leads to some low grade bootleg video that may or may not be the official one. Virgin Airlines has a tv screen for every seat and a hand held or touch screen remote control. You can pay to watch movies or premium TV and you can get tons of shows, music, music videos and much more for totally free. You can even chat with other seats around the airplane and order food and drinks and pay right from your seat. I love that airline! But that isn't the point here, the point is I saw a video by Adele and loved it. Not only is this young sultry singer from the UK talented but the video was simple and yet very cool. I couldn't embed the actual video of the official music video but I embedded a live version below. Check it out!

Adele-Hometown Glory
See the original video here!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fly Anywhere, anytime for a month for $599!!!



Enjoy unlimited travel with our All-You-Can-Jet Pass! For just $599* you can take JetBlue anywhere you like, as often as you like, from September 8 to October 8, 2009. Use your All-You-Can-Jet Pass for business, for pleasure, to visit your favorite cities or to meet with a client. You might as well just do it all! With more than 50 cities to choose from, and for just $599, it's a deal you can't pass up.

About the Pass

  • $599 for a month of unlimited travel, any available seat
    • Domestic taxes and fees included
    • International and Puerto Rico taxes and fees not included
  • On sale through Friday, August 21, 2009, or while supplies last
  • Travel Dates: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 through Thursday, October 8, 2009
  • Each flight must be booked no later than 11:59 p.m. MDT three days prior to the flight's scheduled departure.
  • Nonrefundable/nontransferable/no name changes permitted

Brad Pitt for Mayor

Brad Pitt on his platform if he ran for mayor: "Yeah, I’m running on the gay marriage, no religion, legalization and taxation of marijuana platform."

This guy is so fucking rad, he basically spearheaded all efforts to rebuild New Orleans after it was devastated by Katrina and he is an educated, outspoken advocate on numerous humanitarian efforts. Oh, he's also proved to be a phenomenal actor, check out the trailer for the new Quentin Tarantino film starring Brad Pitt below.


Coronado Voted as a Best Place for Singles, WTF!?!

3. Coronado, CA

Photo: Steve Johnson. Courtesy:

Population: 22,845
Single: 36.1%
Median family income: $106,817
A peninsula surrounded by white sand and sparkling waves, Coronado is the perfect place for hanging out at the beach. Bond with fellow commuters on the ferry to downtown San Diego. During the day, you'll find active locals at the golf course, tennis court or sailing around Coronado Bay. In the evening, take a date to the Ferry Landing to listen to live music and watch the sun set over downtown San Diego. If you're looking to broaden your dating pool, check out the trendy bars and clubs in San Diego's Gaslamp district.

NOTE: First of all Coronado is mostly white families, white old people, and a smaaaall amount of white middleaged people who grew up on Coronado never moved off and plan on finding a Coronadoan to mate with and raise more Coronado babies who never leave either. There is almost NO nightlife on this tiny island of rich people who all know each other, their brains warped by the sunshine glow that is always surrounding the privledged island. I like how the blurb above even says you have to go elsewhere to meet people, WHO THE FUCK voted Coronado as the third best place in America to meet singles!!?!