Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare Hypocrisy at It's Very Best

This has to be the BEST example of hypocrisy I've seen on The Daily Show yet. This whole healthcare debaucle is such a shame. This could be a real opportunity to reform healthcare in this country if everyone would calm down and focus on the facts. Instead you have people rioting at town hall meetings and bringing GUNS!?!? Guns to a healtcare meeting...come on America. Please, please watch the clip below. Fox News is spreading lies about this bill that could help a lot of people who aren't getting healthcare. Like pretty much ALL of my friends....I remember my friend crying and pleading with us not to take her to the emergency room when she had excruciating stomach pains because she didn't have health insurance. Turns our her appendix was about a day from bursting, shes still paying off the bill and that was 3 years ago but she might have been in grave danger if she didn't go in. Another friend had an ambulance called for her after a minor injury and the bill was $5000 just for the ride and visit. She couldn't pay her bill, it went to collections and she had to drop out of college because she lost her loan and couldn't get credit to continue. Stop thwarting the effort to get people serious medical help people!!!

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