Monday, August 24, 2009

Cankle Blues

NOTE: Everyone knows what cankles are right?? Apparently the readers of CNN's Blog, er website, don't. They had an entire article dedicated to cankles and acted like it was some new outlandish word, yet to touch the human vernacular...Weird. Either way cankles suck to look at and I'm sure, suck to have. Did you know they have cankle surgery? Of course the do...any place to make money. And as the American waistline expands, so are cankle appearances, great...

Cankles? What are cankles? We've heard about saddle bags, muffin tops and love handles, but it seems that some women and men of the 21st century are now focused on the chubby joints of their lower extremities.

Far from being a medical term, "cankles" is slang for the part of the leg where the ankle meets the calf when there is no definition or indentation. In most cases, cankles are just large ankles -- what used to be called "big bones." But in society's quest for all things thin and shapely, big-boned ankles have taken on a name -- and a life -- of their own.

According to podiatrists, the average ankle size is about 10 to 11 inches around; men's ankles may be a little larger. The American Podiatric Medical Association does not recognize cankles as a medical problem, but according to Dr. Kathya Zinszer, a physician at Temple University's School of Podiatric Medicine, cankles can be caused by all types of medical issues.

"Things like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular risks, sometimes just lymphedema," says Zinszer. "All of those can lend themselves to deformed ankles or what people are [calling] cankles." But Zinszer says that most cankles are "God-given."

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