Wednesday, August 26, 2009

TED Speech on the wonder of ant colonies!

Ok I adore TED Speeches. TED is a conference that brings together the worlds most brilliant people. Science, technology, math, music, art, humor, everything, just the best and they give these intriguing and inspiring speeches through the days they meet. They are posted online on the TED website. I watch them every now and then and am never disspaointed. I watched this one on ants, which I love hearing about because are insanely evolved and interesting, seriously. If you don't believe me, watch the speech below. If ants don't interest watch some of the other videos!!


Interesting Points in the Speech:
-No central control: No ant directs the behavior of any other ant
-Many ants do NOTHING in the colony, contrary to popular belief, they are used as reserves
-Ants don't do the same task their whole lives

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