Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Flying the Skies with Adele

On my first AMAZING flight with Virgin Airlines I got to watch music videos, which I rarely do. I don't have a TV and googling videos usually leads to some low grade bootleg video that may or may not be the official one. Virgin Airlines has a tv screen for every seat and a hand held or touch screen remote control. You can pay to watch movies or premium TV and you can get tons of shows, music, music videos and much more for totally free. You can even chat with other seats around the airplane and order food and drinks and pay right from your seat. I love that airline! But that isn't the point here, the point is I saw a video by Adele and loved it. Not only is this young sultry singer from the UK talented but the video was simple and yet very cool. I couldn't embed the actual video of the official music video but I embedded a live version below. Check it out!

Adele-Hometown Glory
See the original video here!!

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