Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Coronado Voted as a Best Place for Singles, WTF!?!

3. Coronado, CA

Photo: Steve Johnson. Courtesy: Ecoronado.com

Population: 22,845
Single: 36.1%
Median family income: $106,817
A peninsula surrounded by white sand and sparkling waves, Coronado is the perfect place for hanging out at the beach. Bond with fellow commuters on the ferry to downtown San Diego. During the day, you'll find active locals at the golf course, tennis court or sailing around Coronado Bay. In the evening, take a date to the Ferry Landing to listen to live music and watch the sun set over downtown San Diego. If you're looking to broaden your dating pool, check out the trendy bars and clubs in San Diego's Gaslamp district.

NOTE: First of all Coronado is mostly white families, white old people, and a smaaaall amount of white middleaged people who grew up on Coronado never moved off and plan on finding a Coronadoan to mate with and raise more Coronado babies who never leave either. There is almost NO nightlife on this tiny island of rich people who all know each other, their brains warped by the sunshine glow that is always surrounding the privledged island. I like how the blurb above even says you have to go elsewhere to meet people, WHO THE FUCK voted Coronado as the third best place in America to meet singles!!?!


  1. "Coronado is mostly white families, white old people, and a smaaaall amount of white middleaged people"

    Haha...very true. I think a good place for singles is PB because you can go to a bar, get wasted, fight, get kicked out of said bar, head to Ramiro's for a burrito and still find a girl to take home.

  2. Countless San Diego babies began their lives after that very scenario occurred. A lot of std's too...

  3. Did the original article say how old those singles are? I estimate 70-90 years old. My wife and i are in our 60s and moved here five years ago because it's the closest thing to the stereotypical 50s neighborhood around. Definitely not a place to be young and single unless you're just looking to marry money. PB is a much better place to party and meet people if you're young and single.

  4. The article didn't give an age Anonymous, but I think you're right on the money with the slightly older single crowd on the island. My father of 55 says being single in the second half of your life is all the rage among his friends so maybe the ranking is warranted?

    And the problem with PB is, if you're young, single yet still value intelligent conversation, witty humor, diversity of ethnicity and a general sense of individuality it completely completely falls short. I can say that for most neighborhoods this single girl and her friends have partied in. I think it might be time to upgrade....
