Tuesday, August 18, 2009

90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine

Buncha coke heads....At first I was like you could collect a bunch of dollars bills and make a decent line, but at that rate you might as well buy a gram, plus, who snorts cocaine with a one dollar bill?? I would like to add here that while this bloggers has on many occasions used cocaine, she does not now and has not for some time. Too pricey. And it made my money all dirty....

CNN) -- The term "dirty money" is for real.
A chemistry professor said cocaine found on U.S. bills could provide insight about drug trends.
In the course of its average 20 months in circulation, U.S. currency gets whisked into ATMs, clutched, touched and traded perhaps thousands of times at coffee shops, convenience stores and newsstands. And every touch to every bill brings specks of dirt, food, germs or even drug residue. Research presented this weekend reinforced previous findings that 90 percent of paper money circulating in U.S. cities contains traces of cocaine.

Cities Where 100% of the bills had traces of cocaine:
Miami, Florida (duh)
Boston, Massachusetts (makes sense)
Detroit, Michigan (duh x 2)
Los Angeles, California (obviously)

Read More on CNN

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