Thursday, July 30, 2009

LeAnn Ryhmes, America's Favorite Fag Hag

( -- When the news broke that LeAnn Rimes and husband Dean Sheremet had separated -- just four months after the singer was reportedly caught in an affair with actor Eddie Cibrian -- it saddened many friends who had admired their marriage and what they did for each other over the past seven years.

NOTE; What it seems the friends and family do not understand is that Dean Sheremet is totally gay. I found out when I read their comments about their relationship. Decide for yourself...

"In Nashville, those who knew the couple recall how the pair never seemed to spend a moment apart."

--My Take: Most straight dudes aren't even physically able to withstand the effects of estrogen for long periods before needing to be neutralized by testosterone. No matter how hot their chick is.

"The pair were often spotted together at the gym, dining on the town with friends, dancing at nightclubs and even shopping for Rimes's wardrobe."

--My Take: Dancing, Dining and Dancefloor are the sacred THREE D's of gay men. Shopping is a category all it's own. What dude shops for his girls wardrobe outside of sexy/tacky lingerie trips and to make up for being a dick at some point?

"Sheremet, in fact, is credited with helping his wife -- who was 19 when they married -- make the transformation from a country girl into a sexy siren."

--My Take: It's the classic case of gay guy playing Makeover with his hag. MUCH more fun when your hag has potential AND money.

"When she met Dean, the whole image of who LeAnn Rimes was completely morphed into 'fabulousity,' " says a friend in the music industry."

--My Take: This friend just referenced a VARIATION on the gay owned phrase fabulous. Nuff said.

"Sheremet, 28, who choreographed the singer's Chicago-inspired video for "Nothin' Better to Do" in 2007, "saw the potential that was not being tapped," adds the friend. "Her wardrobe, hair and makeup changed almost over night from the time they started being together."

--My Take: Musicals, choreography, wardrobe and and stage makeup/hair were all just mentioned in reference to Sheremet. COME ON!!!

Spinal Tap Does The Daily Show

I fucking LOVE Spinal Tap! They are crazy old these days but no less funny. I was also struck at how well they play their instruments, right on!!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Spinal Tap Extended Performance
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

Some Stoner Porn

Thousands of people gather on Norlin Quad at the University of Colorado in Boulder, where the April 20 date has been famously marked for years. This photo was taken at precisely 4:20 p.m., when the entire crowd exhaled at once.

Bernia Madoff in the "Cool Kids" Clic in Jail

So it turns out Bernie is somewhat of a celebrity in prison, people even want his autograph!

As for Madoff's adjustment from living as a fat cat on New York's Upper East Side to living behind bars [a lawyer representing Madoff's victims] Joseph Cotchett, said Madoff is doing well.

"He is a bit of a celebrity. As a matter of fact, people are asking him for autographs, which he offered he's not giving," Cotchett said. "He exercises. He walks around the track. He spends a lot of time reading. And he's got a job. He's in the sign factory, if you want to call it that, where he paints signs and clerks can make sure that signs get painted."

Hot Tickets from Long Beach!!

From TravelZoo:
JetBlue Airways just released a fall sale with fares starting as low as $29 each way from Long Beach.

These prices are valid on Monday-Thursday and Saturday departures for travel Sept 8 - Dec. 16.

Here are some of the best each-way fares from Long Beach:
  • San Jose ... $29
  • Oakland, San Francisco ... $39
  • Las Vegas ... $44
  • Sacramento ... $45
  • Salt Lake City ... $55
  • Austin ... $99
  • Chicago .... $109
  • Fort Lauderdale ... $119
  • Washington, D.C. ... $129
  • New York City ... $134
Book HERE by August 5th!!

Broke Ass US States

TIMES ARE BAD. State's are super broke and are trying to find ways to fix their budget gaps. Our state is trying to legalize reefer and Georgia is trying to instate a cover charge for strip clubs! Here are some other ways states are trying to make ends meet:

--In Wisconsin, Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle's fiscal year 2010 budget triples the price of an elk hunting license, even though his state has no elk hunting season. Doyle also proposed a fee on for each animal slaughtered, ranging from a penny per chicken to 14 cents per pig, but that provision was shot down.

--In his 2009 budget, New York Gov. David Paterson proposed a "fat tax" that would have tacked an 18-percent tax on sugary beverages. That tax -- along with proposed taxes on manicures, health clubs and bowling -- was nixed. Next door in New Jersey, however, residents are subject to a sales tax on health club memberships.

--Some school districts in Utah have opted to shorten their school years by a few days or increase class sizes, with hopes of saving millions.

--In Virginia, the state House and Senate voted to increase inmates' daily rent by 500 percent, from $1 to $5. Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine vetoed the bill in May, requesting that the fee be capped at $3.

--In Kentucky, new legislation puts a tax on cell phone ring tones.

Journey is kicking it in San Diego right now

I don't know, I just think it's cool that they might very well be like 5 minutes away from me humming Don't Stop Believing while they brush their teeth. Sorta like I was this morning.


07/30/09 at 8:00 PM

Pala Casino

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We like our Tuesdays in San Diego

It's Tuesday and that means the tacos are cheap and Balboa Park has some free museums open up to San Diego Residents. There are specials and happy hours all over town but one of my favorite non Mexican places to get tacos (because the list of my favorite Mexican places to get tacos is long and complicated, and ever changing) is South Beach Bar and Grill in Ocean Beach. Their fish tacos, both grilled and fried, are DELICIOUS and they have a huge menu of delicious food to try. They have a full bar and tons of beer (local and other) on tap. When they open at 11 AM they have a beer that costs a quarter and goes up a quarter every hour, nothing like enjoying a 50 cent beer and tacos! Best part is? No kids allowed, bring your ID, they card all day! Second best part? The beautiful view of the OB Pier stretching out over the Pacific.


Fourth Tuesday

San Diego Air & Space Museum
San Diego Automotive Museum (last admission 3:45pm)
San Diego Hall of Champions
House of Pacific Relations International Cottages

Drug Smuggling: With creativity, sky's the limit!

The late 1980s and 1990s featured all kinds of innovative smuggling schemes. In 1999, a Ghanian man sued U.S. customs over surgery to remove heroin-filled balloons from his stomach a year earlier. His claim was thrown out of court. Another man entering Puerto Rico had rubber-wrapped packages of cocaine implanted under the skin on his thighs. Earlier, authorities found a shipment of yams had been hollowed out and filled with cocaine.

In 1991, customs officers found that dog carriers from Colombia were actually made of cocaine and fiberglass. That same year, a cast iron pita oven from Turkey had 700 kilos of hashish welded inside: It was discovered when investigators realized there was no way to turn the oven on.

See More Far Out Ways People Smuggle Drugs Here

James Franco: The Whole Package

He's been in movies from generic rom-coms to action powerhouses like Spider Man. But mostly we know him as fucking lovable Saul, the needy weed dealer in Pineapple Express. From watching that movie and noting his proximity to total stoner Seth Rogan you might think he smokes weed, turns out he DOESN'T. Just a great actor! A friend had read that he has never smoked weed in his life but he has, first time was watching Dumb and Dumber when he was 16. And now, even while he has said he isn't a weed smoker he doesn't think weed is any less harmful than drinking a beer. I agree. Turns out they hired some goofy pot dealer to hang out around the set so Franco could learn from him. Thats so fucking cool! I guess he would hand out weed terms and lingo when they needed it. Also, in related pot movie trivia, just like Pineapple Express is the name of a premium weed, so is Friday, from the cult classic Ice Cube/Chris Tucker gem Friday!

Other Reason's James Franco is HOT Besides his face and body:

-Seeking his Masters Degree at Columbia University (Writing)
-He is Jewish and his mother was a poet
-He is a skilled painter, he had an LA gallery show in 2006
-He is the face of Gucci's fragrance for men line
-Won a Golden Globe for playing James Dean in the TV Biopic on his life

On This Day In History: A Plane Crashes Into the Empire State Building

NOTE: Plans sure do crash all over the place in New York...

A United States military plane crashes into the Empire State Building on this day in 1945, killing 14 people. The freak accident was caused by heavy fog.

The B-25 Mitchell bomber, with two pilots and one passenger aboard, was flying from New Bedford, Massachusetts, to LaGuardia Airport in New York City. As it came into the metropolitan area on that Saturday morning, the fog was particularly thick. Air-traffic controllers instructed the plane to fly to Newark Airport instead.

This new flight plan took the plane over Manhattan; the crew was specifically warned that the Empire State Building, the tallest building in the city at the time, was not visible. The bomber was flying relatively slowly and quite low, seeking better visibility, when it came upon the Chrysler Building in midtown. It swerved to avoid the building but the move sent it straight into the north side of the Empire State Building, near the 79th floor.

Upon impact, the plane’s jet fuel exploded, filling the interior of the building with flames all the way down to the 75th floor and sending flames out of the hole the plane had ripped open in the building’s side. One engine from the plane went straight through the building and landed in a penthouse apartment across the street. Other plane parts ended up embedded in and on top of nearby buildings. The other engine snapped an elevator cable while at least one woman was riding in the elevator car. The emergency auto brake saved the woman from crashing to the bottom, but the engine fell down the shaft and landed on top of it. Quick-thinking rescuers pulled the woman from the elevator, saving her life.

Since it was a Saturday, fewer workers than normal were in the building. Only 11 people in the building were killed, some suffering burns from the fiery jet fuel and others after being thrown out of the building. All 11 victims were workers from War Relief Services department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, into the offices of which the plane had crashed. The three people on the plane were also killed.

An 18 foot by 20 foot hole was left in the side of the Empire State Building. Though its structural integrity was not affected, the crash did cause nearly $1 million in damages, about $10.5 million in today’s money.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Restaurant Review: Nature's Express, DELICIOUS!!

I always said, whoever makes a healthy fast food place is going to strike it rich. I hate fast food but I don't always want to have to sit down and do the ordering and tipping for a healthier meal. Nature's Express might be the gem I've been looking for. I ate there three times this weekend! It all started with the void of fast food restaurants in Banker's Hill, which I love but it sucks if you want something fast, cheap, healthy and simple. I drive by Nature's Express like everyday and never go there, I'm pretty pretentious about NOT being a vegan or a vegetarian and very much liking meat. Hey they get to be snotty about all the thing they DON'T do! Good thing I got over myself, I was soooo pleasantly surprised. I ordered the Thai Raw Wrap and sweet potato fries. It came out fast and cheap. THE SWEET POTATO FRIES WERE AMAZING!! Crispy and delicious, I was hooked. The wrap was wrapped in collard leaves which I was a bit disappointed about, I wanted it to be wrapped in some delicious wheat tortilla but it's an all vegan place, shoulda known, it was still really tasty though! I went back the next day for a cheeseburger and more of those hauntingly good sweet potato fries. This was the real test because the cheeseburger was vegan down to the burger, cheese, mayo and bread and I love cheeseburgers, REAL ones. It was awesome!

It tasted like a delicious cheeseburger, really it did, well done. I had to go and order the same thing the next day! The person on duty is a good friend of mine and threw in this delicious vegan cookie that ruled. Turns out they have an awesome buffet and tons of seating room inside and outside and much much more to try on the menu, can't wait to see what other suprises and joys await me at Nature's Express!

Nature's Express

2949 5th Avenue (at Quince)

San Diego, CA 92103

T: 619.550.1818

F: 928.317.8304

2009 San Diego Music Award Nominees

The 19th Annual San Diego Music Awards are on September 10th, 2009 at Viejas Casino. Here is a snippet of this year's nominees. I don't feel up to bashing the awards or the music scene right now. I got laid on Friday so I'm in a great mood!! LOL

Album of the Year
Anya Marina - Slow & Steady Seduction, Phase II
Crocodiles - Summer of Hate
Drew Andrews - Only Mirrors
Jason Mraz - We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things
Scarlet Symphony - Foundation
Slightly Stoopid - Slightly Not Stoned Enough to Eat Breakfast Yet Stoopid
The Donkeys – Living on the Other Side
Wavves - s/t

Best New Artist
Bad Science Fiction
Black Mamba
Maren Parusel
Sunday Times
The Bloodflowers
The New Archaic
The Styletones

Artist of the Year
Anya Marina
Delta Spirit
Jason Mraz
Scarlet Symphony
Slightly Stoopid

Click Here to View the Complete SDMA Nominees List

Leg Break a Veritable Death Sentence for a Horse

So a friend of my was on a party bus bound for Opening Day at The Del Mar Racetrack. They were all having a blast and hit the races with a bang, everyone was in good spirits. Until a horse fell, broke it's leg and had to be shot dead in front of all the revelers.


I was like, aren't there like horse farms where the horse could have gone to heal?? Turns out pretty much no...when a horse breaks its leg it has to remain immobile for it to heal and that takes a very long time because of the low circulation to a horses legs. And horses are wildly miserable if they aren't moving. Their bodies are built to where almost their entire massive weight is resting on their legs, there's almost no way to keep them off their wound to heal it. Super sad!! I definitely teared up. I guess the jockey was suuuuuuper tore up about it too. What a way to ruin a rich person's 7th Rum Runner cocktail...

Boost That Green Tea!!

Did you know that most of the free-radical fighters in green tea never make it to your bloodstream? But there's a solution.

To get a better grasp on the healthy catechins (the antioxidants in green tea famous for lowering your risk of chronic disease) in your green tea, flavor your cup with a squeeze of citrus juice.

Green Tea Benefits

  • It may help you lose weight. At least one study shows green tea can stimulate moderate weight loss.
  • It may help keep your knees young and strong -- catechins fight inflammation and arthritis.
  • It can help your skin look great if used in conjunction with an antioxidant cream. Dab it on.
  • It can help you stay sharp -- try 2 cups a day to see benefits.
NOTE: This blogger is a die hard coffee drinker. I've tried green tea, it's aiight, but it ain't got NOTHING on the black liquid gold, the haunting aroma of coffee...

100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About

Kids will never know that to fix a VCR you just had to blow into it...they'll never know that you used to have to WRITE OUT all your reports. The death of writing, handwriting scares me the most...

Audio-Visual Entertainment
#Inserting a VHS tape into a VCR to watch a movie or to record something.
#Super-8 movies and cine film of all kinds.
#Playing music on an audio tape using a personal stereo. See what happens when you give a Walkman to today’s teenager.
#The number of TV channels being a single digit. I remember it being a massive event when Britain got its fourth channel.

Computers and Videogaming
# Wires. OK, so they’re not gone yet, but it won’t be long
# The scream of a modem connecting.
# The buzz of a dot-matrix printer
# 5- and 3-inch floppies, Zip Discs and countless other forms of data storage.

The Internet
# NCSA Mosaic.
# Finding out information from an encyclopedia.
# Using a road atlas to get from A to B.
# Doing bank business only when the bank is open.
# Shopping only during the day, Monday to Saturday.
# Phone books and Yellow Pages.

# Typewriters.
# Putting film in your camera: 35mm may have some life still, but what about APS or disk?
# Sending that film away to be processed.
# Having physical prints of photographs come back to you.
# CB radios.

Everything Else

# Taking turns picking a radio station, or selecting a tape, for everyone to listen to during a long drive.
# Remembering someone’s phone number.
# Not knowing who was calling you on the phone.
# Actually going down to a Blockbuster store to rent a movie.
# Toys actually being suitable for the under-3s.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Caught Up in Comic Con Frenzy!!

There is this huge buzz in the San Diego air. A mist of geekdom, a current of nerdmanship. COMIC CON IS IN FULL EFFECT!! Already there has been lots of excitement. Johnny Depp showed up super briefly to Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland presentation!! Johnny Depp is in OUR FUCKING CITY!!!!

Also, the San Diego Summer Pops, a very cool summer orchestra series at the beautiful Embarcadero venue did a video game themed orchestra in honor of Comic Con, complete with a synchronized light show!

Maybe the only comics I've ever read are Archie and Jughead and ok so I lovingly roll my eyes at my cousins anime obsession but I'm really proud that our city hosts this super enormous international event every year. Sometimes you have no idea just how big this thing is and then you read the front pages of newspapers!! And then you Google has comic images built into it's logo now two days in a row and counting, I'm all caught up in Comic Con!!

Knitting Factory LA Closes Down....

Never got to hit it up but LA is in no shortage of mid-capacity venues. Word is they are just looking for a new location...
Read More About It Here

Woohoo Capitalism is BACK!!

Goldman Sachs made $ 3.44 BILION in 3 months (April to June). They are paying out $20 billion in bonuses, $700,000 per employee, that is more than 14x the amount the average American household income. Hmm, so taxpayers: This means we should be seeing the bailout money we were all fucking forced to give Goldman Sachs right???????? RIGHT?!?! Don't hold your breath....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

RIP Gidget 1994-2009

A friend of mine once had someone try to defend chihuahuas by saying that they'd been bred to hunt rats, and he replied 'Yeah, and they brought home war-brides'...

Me, I think that they remember the glory days when huge packs of chihuahuas roamed the plains as the land piranha, able to strip a waterbuffalo to the bone in seconds, and it pisses them off.
--From Half Bakery

Well everyone's favorite Chihuahua has died, RIP. Her/his name was Gidget but we knew her/him as a the Taco Bell dog, a boy dog and with a fierce hunger for fast food. Transgendered dogs everywhere will mourn his/her loss and uphold his/her pioneering efforts in cinema forever.

OMG Brian Williams and John Stewart Super Awkard Interview!!

I had no idea things were so testy between these two before I saw this episode! They definitely have some preexisting beef and Brian W. alludes to that fact that his network higher ups were the only reason he was there. I will just say that John Stewart asks Brian Williams how it feels to fall so short in reference to Brian's childhood idol the late Walter Cronkite and Brian shoots back by comparing John to Carrot Top!!! Gloves are off baby!!! For me this is awesome because I looooove silver foxes and here are two delicious specimens. It's sort of like jello pool naked chick wrestling for intellectual women!!

On This Day In History: Miss America Resigns

On this day in 1984, 21-year-old Vanessa Williams gives up her Miss America title, the first resignation in the pageant's history, after Penthouse magazine announces plans to publish nude photos of the beauty queen in its September issue. Williams originally made history on September 17, 1983, when she became the first black woman to win the Miss America crown. Miss New Jersey, Suzette Charles, the first runner-up and also an African American, assumed Williams' tiara for the two months that remained of her reign.

Vanessa Lynn Williams was born March 18, 1963, in Millwood, New York, to music teacher parents. She attended Syracuse University and studied musical theater. In 1982, while working a summer job as a receptionist at a modeling agency in Mt. Kisco, New York, photographer Thomas Chiapel took the nude pictures of Williams, telling her they'd be shot in silhouette and that she wouldn't be recognizable. After Williams became Miss America, the photographer sold the pictures to Penthouse without her knowledge. Williams later dropped lawsuits against the magazine and photographer after it was learned that she had signed a model release form at the time the photos were taken.

The Miss America pageant, which prides itself on projecting a wholesome, positive image of women, began in 1921 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, as a stunt developed by local businessmen to extend the summer tourist season. In 1945, the Miss America Organization handed out its first scholarship. Today, it provides over $45 million each year in cash and tuition assistance to contestants on the national, state and local levels. In 1954, the competition was broadcast live for the first time. Beginning in the 1980s, contestants were required to have a social platform, such as drunk-driving prevention or AIDS awareness, and Miss America winners now travel an estimated 20,000 miles a month for speaking engagements and public appearances. In 2006, following a decline in TV ratings, the pageant moved from Atlantic City for the first time in its history and took place in Las Vegas, where a new Miss America was crowned in January instead of September.

Vanessa Williams rebounded from the Miss America scandal and went on to a successful entertainment career as an actress and recording artist, performing on Broadway as well as in movies and television and releasing a number of popular albums.

Craigslist Missed Connection: Unique Pastor Punches People for God

Date: 2009-07-21, 8:37AM PDT
Reply To This Post

My masseuse recognized that you gals were talking about me and gave me a heads up today.

To the young lady who posted the first ad... Thank you so very much for your kind and uplifting words; they made me blush. I am afraid that such a beautiful young woman might endanger my celibacy. I am trying to stay celibate until I can find THE ONE. While I AM looking for THE ONE currently, the chances of you being mature enough & having amazing, healthy relationship skills at your young age is not likely. I will however be glad to communicate with you by e-mail if you like and I would welcome you proving the odds wrong. :) I was born and raised in Redondo Beach, traveled the world for many years and am now back home in Cali. I was Military Intelligence for the US ARMY for 8 years, a few years Law Enforcment, and am now called to be a unique pastor. I am nothing and God is everything! I am flattered and humbled by the attention of such a beautiful young lady. God bless you. :)

To the woman whose husband I knocked out... I am glad you are OK. I was very worried for your safety when your husband was thrashing you around by your neck and hair. I was trying to use my gift for words to reason with your drunk husband when he attacked me. I hope it didn't upset you when I had to knock him out to defend myself. He was breathing fine, if not loudly, when I left and I was MUCH more concerned with YOU being OK. If you will not leave the relationship, please at least get counseling for yourself as a victim and for him as an abuser. I REALLY DISLIKE BULLIES and the worst two types of bullies are wife beaters and child abusers.

To the person who posted the picture of the super hero... I wish my waist was that small. :)

Mystery solved and far, far too much attention focused on me. I am nothing and God is everything. God bless each and every one of you!

Picture of my feet propped up on my Power Skateboard chilling at Starbucks with my checkered vans to prove who I am. And PLEASE, no running and jumping on me when I go flying by, just wave and say Hi, I will stop and say Hi if see you waving. I never meant to be rude, just pumping the great music on my I-pod and carving up the strand on my PowerBoards. God bless! :)

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

image 1281145420-0

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Del Mar Horse Races in Full Effect

Today is opening day!! It's a very important occasion for the rich. Maybe one year I'll get to get dressed up and don a huge gorgeous hat and rub shoulders with the San Diego elite. Until then I will have to put up with what my $6 ticket gets me and plastic cup of Coors to tide me over until the concert at the end of the races. The racetrack is actually fun and cheap, you can make $2 minimum bets and drunkenly cheer your horse on, the horses have great names too, which is honestly how I choose my bets... Check out the concert line up below. So fun to get boozy then hit a concert!! Concerts are free with entry to the races, $6 at the cheapest, they start after the last race around 7pm!

Del Mar Concert Series Website
Fri, Jul 24 G Love and Special Sauce
Fri, Jul 31 The Wailers
Fri, Aug 7 The Airborne Toxic Event
Fri, Aug 14 Common Sense
Sat, Aug 15 The Flaming Lips
Fri, Aug 21 Pinback
Sat, Aug 22 Steel Pulse
Fri, Aug 28 Super Diamond
Fri, Sep 4 Pete Yorn
Sun, Sep 6 Roots, Rock, Reggae Festival featuring Ziggy Marley

Del Mar's tradition of elegant hats and Fedora's has dated back to the very first opening day in 1937.

Entries taken between 11:30 am and 3:00 pm in the Plaza de Mexico located just inside the Stretch Run entrance gates.

Hats Categories:
1) Best Racing Theme
2) Funniest or Most Outrageous
3) Most Glamorous
4) Best Flowers/All Others

Comic Con Is Here!!!

I posted a while back that comic con was weekends ago, MY BAD! Festivities start today!! Bring on the geeks and nerds for the weekend, lets see the costumes, light sabers and figurines!! I'm hoping to see like Seth Rogan who is staring in an upcoming movie as The Green Hornet, I don't have tickets to the sold out event though, gonna be tough....
Besides oodles of free goodies, awesome stuff for sale, behind-the-scenes panels to attend, and celebrity autographs to snag, Comic-Con is also known for its exclusives. Almost every major company that attends offers some sort of exclusive - a toy, comic or statue that’s only available in limited quantities and only available at SDCC itself. Here’s a list of 10 of the coolest exclusives available only at Comic-Con 2009 from

10 of the coolest exclusives available only at Comic-Con 2009
1. Ghosbusters Venkman & Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Minimates 2-Pack
(Diamond Comics)
Who can resist the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? Especially when he’s so cute and tiny? This SDCC exclusive set will be available from Diamond retailers throughout the floor.

2. HALO Grifball Spartan Action Figure
(Entertainment Earth/Toys R Us)
This Toys R Us Exclusive available from Entertainment Earth, is the first Halo action figure to be based on the Grifball game. Featuring the Recon armor, this McFarlane Toys figure also includes a bomb, gravity hammer and sword hilt.

3. Darth Vader Helmet - Pink Edition
(Gentle Giant)
I know what you’re thinking. A pink Darth Vader helmet?!? Well, besides being pretty unique, this exclusive Star Wars bust from Gentle Giant helps a very worthy cause. For every sale, Gentle Giant will donate $6 (up to $10,000) towards finding a cure for breast cancer, courtesy of the Susan

4. Marvel Universe - Captain America
Hasbro’s Marvel Universe figures are pretty neat to begin with. Small, nicely sculpted and very articulated. The Comic-Con exclusive features all that, as well as a cool twist. Thanks to a special-edition grey scale deco, Hasbro’s Marvel Universe Captain America figure has that total 1940s look to him.

5. Transformers: 25th Anniversary Soundwave Special Edition
Apparently Transformers are kind of big these days. Might have to do with some movie or something. But if you already have every figure from every possible Transformers toy line currently out, here’s your chance for something old but new. Hasbro’s re-releasing its original 1984 edition of Soundwave, which includes four cassettes: Buzzsaw, Laserbeak, Ratbat and Ravage. Just don’t be surprised if your kids ask you, “What’s a cassette?”

6. Wonder Twins with Gleek
Go ahead. I dare you. Say the phrase “Wonder Twin Powers…” and see how long it takes before someone responds with “Activate!” Mattel’s Zan and Jayna two-pack is a long-time coming and sports some great sculpting by the Four Horsemen. Besides cool accessories (a bucket of water with Zan’s face!), this set includes space monkey Gleek as part of the Comic-Con exclusive set.

7. Ghostbusters Classics Dr. Egon Spengler with Slimer
Kicking off this ghostbusting new line of highly detailed, articulated figures from Mattel is Dr. Egon and his Proton Pack and gun, along with the only-at-Comic-Con pack-in figure of Slimer.

8. Silver Astronaut Snoopy Figurine
Did you know Snoopy’s been with the U.S. Space Program for 40 years? Well, now you can help celebrate this milestone with one of 400 limited-edition Silver Snoopy figures, featuring the space-faring beagle. Visit the Peanuts booth for details.

9. Marvel 70th Anniversary Captain America Toon Tumblers Glass
Okay, this isn’t a toy. Or a statue. It’s a glass. You got me. But these retro-style glasses are too cool not to pick up normally. And this year’s Comic-Con exclusive tumbler celebrates Marvel’s 70th Anniversary (and Comic-Con’s 40th) with 1940s Cap and the classic 1970s Jack Kirby style Sentinel of Liberty.

10. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo in Stormtrooper Disguise 12-inch Figure Set
While a bit pricey ($169.99), this 12-inch Figure Set of Luke and Han in Stormtrooper Disguise is way cooler than paying your mortgage. For availability and more information, visit

Craigslist Personals: Honest Christian, Down To Party

420 :) Healthy, handome.
Reply to:
Date: 2009-07-19, 10:25PM

I'm a white male, 22 years old .I'm 5'8 165lbs. I like to kick it with my friends, go hiking, swimming. I like to stay active. I'm an honest Christian man looking for a woman who believes in God, however someone who will share my same interests.I.E, partying, hiking, movies, music. . :) Pic for pic. Looking for good friends too, only nice girls tho :( No meanies. I've had too many mean girlfriends to want another Lol. PakurFK for a1mchat

* Location: Vista
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Note: Also, what is a handome

To Put Things Rather Bluntly....

"Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines." - Bertrand Russell

Now wait! This isn't mean to be mean or condescending. I love this quote, but it scares a lot of people and it offends because it's interpreted wrong. Analyze it without emotion, if you can, for what it is. Think back to when humans worshiped the sun because it rose everyday and gave them heat and grew their food, back when people with schizophrenia were believe to have evil demons inside of them, when men made things up because we didn't understand our world as innately as we do know. This was before all the science and knowledge and proven and natural wonder that we now understand on the planet. Thoughts?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Laurel Restaurant now Cucina Urbana

Laurel was a years old gorgeous Banker's Hill restaurant just blocks from my house that I always wanted to hit up. It looked beautiful inside but my only interaction with the place was passing by, myself a sweaty stinking jogging mess, and peering inside. Not too appetizing for the diners themselves, I realize now as I type this...On my most recent jog I noticed that Laurel was now called Cucina Urbana, the decor was less Alice in Wonderland meets hip San Diego designer and more hip San Diego designer meets less adventurous restaurant owner....But they are serving Italian food (LOVE IT!) and it's still looked gorgeous inside, although much less fanciful and outrageous. I dig the huge windows, sunken dining room and elaborate and luscious bar. I must hit it up before it disappears!!

Check Out Cucina Urbana Reviews on Yelp before you go because things sound a bit douche baggeristic!! The pictures above are of Laurel but in reading reviews this definitely sounds like a gimmicky trendilicious type of place!

Creepiest Statue Ever

Yea, I'm cynical but this statue is creepy and don't even tell me to get my mind out of the gutter. This is definitely, while only lightly, disturbing. This gem hails from the Scientology chapel in my neighborhood. Somehow fitting...

Right off the bat we notice some pigtailed girl is taking it from behind, hard.

Check out the aggressive lip bite from the boy, he is really digging in. The girl has the proper mid air doggy style arch and concentration and balance of a pro. Her pigtails are also kind of skanky.

Ok yea, so maybe the boy doesn't have a dick growing out of his chest but the creepy hand placement on the legs, upper thighs is too much!

This statue normally has water blasting out of it, giving the girl a total facial from the fountain which has a super veiny design on it. It's actually creepier WITHOUT the money shot in her face because now it's just looks like some novelty statue you could buy at Hustler Garden Designs Depot. Hey, I'm just saying, it's a creepy statue!!