Monday, July 27, 2009

Boost That Green Tea!!

Did you know that most of the free-radical fighters in green tea never make it to your bloodstream? But there's a solution.

To get a better grasp on the healthy catechins (the antioxidants in green tea famous for lowering your risk of chronic disease) in your green tea, flavor your cup with a squeeze of citrus juice.

Green Tea Benefits

  • It may help you lose weight. At least one study shows green tea can stimulate moderate weight loss.
  • It may help keep your knees young and strong -- catechins fight inflammation and arthritis.
  • It can help your skin look great if used in conjunction with an antioxidant cream. Dab it on.
  • It can help you stay sharp -- try 2 cups a day to see benefits.
NOTE: This blogger is a die hard coffee drinker. I've tried green tea, it's aiight, but it ain't got NOTHING on the black liquid gold, the haunting aroma of coffee...

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