Monday, July 27, 2009

Leg Break a Veritable Death Sentence for a Horse

So a friend of my was on a party bus bound for Opening Day at The Del Mar Racetrack. They were all having a blast and hit the races with a bang, everyone was in good spirits. Until a horse fell, broke it's leg and had to be shot dead in front of all the revelers.


I was like, aren't there like horse farms where the horse could have gone to heal?? Turns out pretty much no...when a horse breaks its leg it has to remain immobile for it to heal and that takes a very long time because of the low circulation to a horses legs. And horses are wildly miserable if they aren't moving. Their bodies are built to where almost their entire massive weight is resting on their legs, there's almost no way to keep them off their wound to heal it. Super sad!! I definitely teared up. I guess the jockey was suuuuuuper tore up about it too. What a way to ruin a rich person's 7th Rum Runner cocktail...

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