Tuesday, July 28, 2009

James Franco: The Whole Package

He's been in movies from generic rom-coms to action powerhouses like Spider Man. But mostly we know him as fucking lovable Saul, the needy weed dealer in Pineapple Express. From watching that movie and noting his proximity to total stoner Seth Rogan you might think he smokes weed, turns out he DOESN'T. Just a great actor! A friend had read that he has never smoked weed in his life but he has, first time was watching Dumb and Dumber when he was 16. And now, even while he has said he isn't a weed smoker he doesn't think weed is any less harmful than drinking a beer. I agree. Turns out they hired some goofy pot dealer to hang out around the set so Franco could learn from him. Thats so fucking cool! I guess he would hand out weed terms and lingo when they needed it. Also, in related pot movie trivia, just like Pineapple Express is the name of a premium weed, so is Friday, from the cult classic Ice Cube/Chris Tucker gem Friday!

Other Reason's James Franco is HOT Besides his face and body:

-Seeking his Masters Degree at Columbia University (Writing)
-He is Jewish and his mother was a poet
-He is a skilled painter, he had an LA gallery show in 2006
-He is the face of Gucci's fragrance for men line
-Won a Golden Globe for playing James Dean in the TV Biopic on his life


  1. Franco is SOME PACKAGE!! I've been following his career for the past few years. What I've found is pretty much up on my blog. Go check it out! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FRANCO!

  2. SAWHEET!!! Checking it out now, VIVA FRANCO! haha
