Monday, July 27, 2009

Restaurant Review: Nature's Express, DELICIOUS!!

I always said, whoever makes a healthy fast food place is going to strike it rich. I hate fast food but I don't always want to have to sit down and do the ordering and tipping for a healthier meal. Nature's Express might be the gem I've been looking for. I ate there three times this weekend! It all started with the void of fast food restaurants in Banker's Hill, which I love but it sucks if you want something fast, cheap, healthy and simple. I drive by Nature's Express like everyday and never go there, I'm pretty pretentious about NOT being a vegan or a vegetarian and very much liking meat. Hey they get to be snotty about all the thing they DON'T do! Good thing I got over myself, I was soooo pleasantly surprised. I ordered the Thai Raw Wrap and sweet potato fries. It came out fast and cheap. THE SWEET POTATO FRIES WERE AMAZING!! Crispy and delicious, I was hooked. The wrap was wrapped in collard leaves which I was a bit disappointed about, I wanted it to be wrapped in some delicious wheat tortilla but it's an all vegan place, shoulda known, it was still really tasty though! I went back the next day for a cheeseburger and more of those hauntingly good sweet potato fries. This was the real test because the cheeseburger was vegan down to the burger, cheese, mayo and bread and I love cheeseburgers, REAL ones. It was awesome!

It tasted like a delicious cheeseburger, really it did, well done. I had to go and order the same thing the next day! The person on duty is a good friend of mine and threw in this delicious vegan cookie that ruled. Turns out they have an awesome buffet and tons of seating room inside and outside and much much more to try on the menu, can't wait to see what other suprises and joys await me at Nature's Express!

Nature's Express

2949 5th Avenue (at Quince)

San Diego, CA 92103

T: 619.550.1818

F: 928.317.8304

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