Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Study: Divorce Is Contagious

Researchers working on a well-known continuing study of more than 12,000 Americans living in Framingham, Mass., since 1948 have found that divorce is contagious. The researchers, led by Brown University's Dr. Rose McDermott, "have discovered that divorce is catching and spreads like a disease through families, work places and groups of friends," the Daily Mail reported. If an immediate friend—or even a colleague—gets a divorce, the chance that you will also get a divorce jumps by 75 percent. The likelihood that you will divorce increases by a third if a friend of a friend's marriage falters. "The researchers describe the effect as 'divorce clustering'—and believe that break-ups within friendship groups force couples to start questioning their own relationships," the Daily Mail reported. "They say that a friend's divorce can also reduce the social stigma of splitting up, even when children are involved."

Read More About This on The Daily Mail!

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