Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Five Best Sex-Themed TED Talks

You guys KNOW I love me some TED (TED is the gathering of all the world's smartest scientists, comedians, researchers, muscians, artists, philosophers, activists, pretty much the smartest people in any field who meet together and give 15 minute speeches on some insanely intriguing topics). Well here is the sexy (ish) side of TED As Chosen By Nerve.com:, check it out!

#1: Mary Roach: Ten things you didn't know about orgasm

Curious about whether babies masturbate inside their mothers' wombs? Wondering if your money shot beats the distance record? Strangely preoccupied with whether dead people can have orgasms? Mary Roach addresses all these topics and then some in her upbeat discussion of the orgasm. Offering plenty of audio-visual material for the combination learners amongst us, Roach shocks and fascinates with images of monkey o-faces and a fairly graphic video of a farmer stimulating a sow's clitoris. Other highlights include a recipe for artificial sperm, and the confirmation that, yes, all those scientists studying sex at the turn of the century were, if not major pervs, at least a little on the kooky side.


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