Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Poll: Most Americans Dislike Their Jobs

A new poll by the Conference Board research group finds that only 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their jobs—the lowest number since the group began conducting the poll 22 years ago. Researchers suspect the drop may be caused by two factors: workers' growing disinterest in their jobs (in another record low, only 51 percent of people polled said they found their work interesting), and poor wage growth in comparison to the cost of living. People under the age of 25 were most unhappy with their jobs (64 percent) while people ages 25 to 34—those next in line for jobs when baby boomers retire—were happiest, reporting 47 percent job satisfaction. While growing dissatisfaction can be somewhat pegged to the recession, economists say that the trend has been on the rise since the '80s and could make it harder for the U.S. to regain a competitive edge once the economy gets back on its feet.

Read the Rest on Time

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