Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Muriel's Wedding: Not that Funny

For a cover that boasts it's hysterically funny you'd think it would be mostly funny right? This is a cult classic and the reviews were wild, it's won many awards. It sounded like one of those "ugly small town girl moves to the big city for a makeover montage and becomes fabulous." Hilarity ensues and a new cult classic is added to my collection. It was NOTHING like that. First of all Muriel is super de duper tough on the eyes, even AFTER the makeover! She doesn't have lots of promise like most pre-coming of age plot stars and maybe it's the Australian based humor but I didn't not laugh much. In fact, things were kind of depressing throughout the entire movie. It gets seriously heavy in the end and nothing really resolves. I'd recommend seeing it because it's a cult classic and it's your duty but not because I liked it.

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