Monday, November 30, 2009

Worth 20 Minutes??

20 Minutes if you're watching online, 30 minutes if you watch it on television (are people still doing that!?!?)

Not worth it:

On NBC. Yes, the writing is good but the acting is bad (outside of the funny black guy) and if I have to hear the retarded name, Brita, again I'll shoot myself.

Star Power: Chevy Chase, one of the more funny actors. Brit from The Daily Show is aiight. Asian guy from The Hangover: yet another bizarre and slightly retarded role for him...

Totally Worth It:

Modern Family
on ABC. Excellent writing and a great comedic cast. The story lines are funny and things usually end pretty sweetly. Hint: There is a hot/sexy yet lovable Columbian and a fabulous amazing gay couple!

Star Power: Married With Children Dad is back! Also, great cameo's pop up all over.

Bad Substitution

If your Billy Madison DVD is not in its case (horrible instance) then don't go putting on Airheads as if that will quell your need for goofy 9o's comedy schtick. Yes, that movie is funny but it ain't no Billy Madison. Common sense says, just call it day, put on Happy Gilmore, and order a $5 copy of Billy Madison off E-bay.

On This Day in History: Folies Bergere stage first revue

Once a hall for operettas, pantomime, political meetings, and vaudeville, the Folies Bergère in Paris introduces an elaborate revue featuring women in sensational costumes. The highly popular "Place aux Jeunes" established the Folies as the premier nightspot in Paris. In the 1890s, the Folies followed the Parisian taste for striptease and quickly gained a reputation for its spectacular nude shows. The theater spared no expense, staging revues that featured as many as 40 sets, 1,000 costumes, and an off-stage crew of some 200 people.

The Folies Bergère dates back to 1869, when it opened as one of the first major music halls in Paris. It produced light opera and pantomimes with unknown singers and proved a resounding failure. Greater success came in the 1870s, when the Folies Bergère staged vaudeville. Among other performers, the early vaudeville shows featured acrobats, a snake charmer, a boxing kangaroo, trained elephants, the world's tallest man, and a Greek prince who was covered in tattoos allegedly as punishment for trying to seduce the Shah of Persia's daughter. The public was allowed to drink and socialize in the theater's indoor garden and promenade area, and the Folies Bergère became synonymous with the carnal temptations of the French capital. Famous paintings by Édouard Manet and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec were set in the Folies.

In 1886, the Folies Bergère went under new management, which, on November 30, staged the first revue-style music hall show. The "Place aux Jeunes," featuring scantily clad chorus girls, was a tremendous success. The Folies women gradually wore less and less as the 20th century approached, and the show's costumes and sets became more and more outrageous. Among the performers who got their start at the Folies Bergère were Yvette Guilbert, Maurice Chevalier, and Mistinguett. The African American dancer and singer Josephine Baker made her Folies debut in 1926, lowered from the ceiling in a flower-covered sphere that opened onstage to reveal her wearing a G-string ornamented with bananas.

The Folies Bergère remained a success throughout the 20th century and still can be seen in Paris today, although the theater now features many mainstream concerts and performances. Among other traditions that date back more than a century, the show's title always contains 13 letters and includes the word "Folie."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dance Party Some Calories Away Before The Big Feast!

At The Casbah
DJ's ATARI, T-Money, Shuffledust
Starts at 10 PM

IT IS FREE!!!!!!!!!!

Check out the One Nation Under a Groove Website

Obamas Add Personal Touches to First State Dinner

The state dinner is often characterized as Washington's hottest social event, and yesterday's was particularly buzzworthy because it was the first being hosted by President Obama and his wife, who "made sure to infuse the glittering gala with distinctive touches," declares the New York Times. The guests of honor were Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India and his wife, Gursharan Kaur. After two hours of talks, Obama told Singh that the United States and India "are natural allies" and the partnership between the two countries would be "one of the defining relationships of the 21st century." At the formal event, Michelle Obama managed to outshine all the guests, wearing "a strapless, cream and gold silk chiffon gown with a sparkling silver floral design," as the Associated Press describes it, which was created by an Indian-American designer. The more than 300 guests that included high-powered political players, prominent members of the Indian community, Hollywood celebrities, and influential donors, ate Indian and American dishes, including some traditional African-American fare. And in the spirit of bipartisanship, food was served on a mixture of china from the Clinton and Bush administrations.

See More Pictures Here

The Delicious Thanksgiving Day Feast

Thanksgiving Day originated as a celebration between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. The Pilgrims were just happy that they survived the brutal winter. The Native Americans were happy the Pilgrims just stopped complaining about how cold it was. Now, once a year, the most delectable, delicious, balls out incredible feast is served. One by one the elements of the traditional Thanksgiving Day feast aren't as powerful as the columnation of the whole. You can't just up and cook all these items any day of the year. It takes money, prepareation, determination and a REASON. The reason is the last Thursday of November, when you know all your freaking family will be in one room, a hotbed of seething tension, decades festering. The only reason we all show up and don't kill each other is because before us is pretty much the most fantastic meal ever crafted and since perfected. And ok ok, I really do give thanks on this day for the year that has passed. Can anyone believe 2009 is almost over!?!?!

Traditional Meal:

-Cranberry Sauce
-Stuffing/Dressing (as some folks call it)
-Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
-Green Bean Casserole (gotta have the crunchy french onions on top!)
-Candied Yams/Sweet Potatoes
-Creamed Corn
-Dinner Rolls and butter
-Dessert: Pecan, Sweet Potato, Apple, Pumpkin, Etc. PIE
Nu Alternatives and Delicious Additions:
-Macaroni and Cheese
-Potato Cheese Soup
-Green Salad (Never quite fits....)
-Au gratin Potatoes
-Any bacon additions in dishes
-Deviled Eggs

Craigslist Missed Connection: Don't Take a Date to a Chain Restaurant

we had dinnr at chillis on fairmont - m4w - 23 (sdsu)
Date: 2009-11-24, 9:55PM PST
Reply to:

I picked you up for dinner tuesday night. It was our first meeting, and i really enjoyed it. You prob want read this but if you do I hope to spend more time with you, I see us having alot of fun together.

* Location: sdsu
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 1481477158

NOTE: That guy's not getting a second date, bet the girl was laughing with her friends about how lame you were. MOST women count it as a very bad sign if you pick them up and take them out to an American chain restaurant. Bennigan's, Chilli's, TGIFriday's, Fudrucker's, Ruby Tuesday's, The Olive Garden and Applebee's should be off limits. And yes, even Macroni Grill and Cheesecake Factory. Those restaurants were made for people who'd sacrifice quality, flavor and a real dining experience for oversized portions of calorie loaded flavorless food. It's fucking San Diego, go on Yelp and impress her with a really cool local restaurant (there are so many!). You'll support small business, find a new favorite, eat way less calories, and have a higher chance at scoring some post date sex or a second date.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Love photo booths? Get to know Broadway Booths!!

I recently went to my friends annual Thanksgiving Day Feast. Odd yet formal attire is always required, there is a highly competitive creative dessert contest and this year there was a FREE OF CHARGE photo booth. You could take unlimited pictures, they were of insane and beautiful quality, they printed in seconds and you got two copies!! We had a photo booth creativity challenge as well. It was an amazing night and I just HAVE to share the photo booth company with you. My friends built this thing themselves and they rent it out. You can rent it for a wedding, party, family reunion, office party, it's soooo dope!!!


Why are vaccum lines in carpet so visually satisfying??

I mean really, sure there are lots of things that make me happy but vacuum lines in a carpet are high on the list. And it's not just me, ask anyone, maybe they didn't even realize how much they liked staring at a carpet so cleaned and vacuumed that you see the lines where you cleaned? It's a universally accepted and recognized pleasure.

Justin Long: Not just "The Mac Guy" Anymore

Too bad most of us were introduced to Justin Long when he remixed The Dell Dude role to become The Mac Guy. He was pretentious, haughty and made hipsters everywhere cringe a bit and PC users smirk. He was insanely hilarious as a classy gay porn star in "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" and his IMDB lists small roles that he has had in other movies, do not discount the side roles of Justin Long. Sure he has some total dud movies in there. Alvin and the Chipmunks, geez...worst of all "He's Just Not That Into You", worst one EVER. But FOR REAL, this guy is talented and he can take what might have been a shitty supporting role into a staring gig. The Sasquatch Gang is a little known movie on his IMDB and I watched it (do not watch it sober I think) and it was fucking really funny. I'd love to hear what other's have to say about this movie or ANY other Justin Long roles.

Monday, November 23, 2009

His and Her Orgasms

Over drinks a few male and female friends of mine and I were trying to describe what our orgasms felt like. Basically a woman's orgasm builds and builds and builds till we reach a true climax and have quite an unreal whoosh into orgasm land that last for several seconds, like a roller coaster. The the best feelings come right after the climax. For a guy its more like the fast rise of a firework in the sky. The best feelings are the rise (coming on of the ograsm) and then the large, exaggerated and rather quick explosion. I prefer the roller coaster orgasm, but I'm biased:) We deduced it to the visual images below:



Nightmare of Nightmares!

This is what nightmares are made of. A Belgian man was conscious but paralyzed so had no way of communicating with doctors and family members to tell them he knew everything that was going on. Rom Houbens was misdiagnosed after a car crash and was deemed to have lost all consciousness. "I became a witness to my own suffering as doctors and nurses tried to speak with me until they gave up all hope," the now-46-year-old Houbens said. He was correctly diagnosed three years ago, and his case has come to light because of a scientific paper written by a man who finally realized the truth thanks to scans, which showed Houbens' brain was almost completely normal. Houbens can now use a computer to communicate and read books.
Read The Rest

The Times They Sure Are A'Changin

BARBIE DOLL has her 50th birthday this year......

Tweety Bird is 60 years old




Wonder Woman

Batman and Robin


Fans of Tan

Each 10-week season, the cast of Dancing With the Stars go through six gallons of spray-tan liquid.

Read The Rest in the Wall Street Journal

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hey Alchy's You Can Start Drinking at 6AM

At 4th and B. If you're in the crowd that is either STARTING to drink at 6AM or CONTINUING to drink at 6AM then well, get some fucking help. Either way, this is your place to be!

Rise Friday's @ 4th & B!
Grand Opening CLUB NIGHT!

9pm to 2am
$5 Cover with $5 U-Call its!

We are rockin from 9pm to sun-Rise every Friday night this month. Come take a short drunk walk down to your favorite downtown location and enjoy music and drinks as we party as the sun rises!!! After hour's this Friday 11/20/09:


Tony Fiore - Florida
Jon E Thin
Dj Adiva
Dj Tallin


2am Dj Dee
3:30am Fresh One
5am Brent Bartel
6am BAR OPEN!!!
6:30am Ryan Shewmaker
8am TBA: Casey Carlson,
Landin, Mc Lovin and Brad Adams…

Don't miss out on the hottest new after hours in town!!!

Info call 858 472 6306

Oprah Is Ending Her Show in 2011

Simple, conservative, child rearing white women everywhere are going to flip out!!!!

What Coffee Filters Can Do for You

I stopped making coffee at my house when I realized I had an addiction and had to limit myself to one cup at work per day. Now I have all these goddamned filters left. If you're in this boat, look below for coffee filters uses. Excuse to kick the habit anyone??

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers.
2. Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free so they'll leave windows sparkling.
3. Protect China . Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter between each dish.
4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter.
5. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.
6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter.
7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.
8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.
9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.
10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent The soil from going through the drainage holes.
11. Prevent a Popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.
12. Do you think we used expensive strips to wax eyebrows? Use strips of coffee filters.
13. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc on them. Soaks out all the grease.
14. Keep in the bathroom. They make great "razor nick fixers."

Hulu to Put Concerts Up for Viewing

NOTE: I effing love Hulu, and not because they give me Glee every week, It's very high quality,easy to use and they have an awesome selection.

EMI Music becomes the first major label group to pact with Hulu, the popular U.S. online video service that offers TV shows and movies. EMI will offer concerts and videos from artists on its labels including Virgin, Capitol and Blue Note.

The relationship kicks off today with exclusive content from Norah Jones whose new album “The Fall” debuts this week. The Norah Jones page on Hulu will feature multiple concerts and her entire collection of music videos. An interview with Jones is available on the Hulu blog.
Read The Rest

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christmas Gifts of the Rich and The Famous (aka in your dreams)

Each year, Neiman Marcus unveils a handful of over-the-top fantasy holiday gifts. Take a quick spin through the luxury retailer's 2009 Christmas Book and you just might forget about scaling back this year.

The Customized Cupcake Car

Price: $25,000
This cheery confection is like a delicious-looking go-kart. Coast down the road in style at a top speed of 7 m.p.h. in a Cupcake Car that comes in different-colored "flavors," as well as your choice of decorations like sprinkles and icing. And yes, it comes with a matching hat.

See the rest of the gifts on CNN Money!

Company Spares Unborn Children From Embarrassing Names

For a little more than $1,680, future parents can spare their children the embarrassment of a name that translates into "pickpocket" in Japanese (Suri) or "stop it" in Yoruba (Kai). The London-based translation company Today Translations has introduced what they call a "basic name translation audit"—a service that checks how names translate into more than 100 languages. The company predicts the majority of its clients will be celebrities, who seem to enjoy naming their children after nouns and exotic words that ultimately prove embarrassing. To quote the Web site, "better safe than Suri."
From Jezebel

Fox News Caught Using Misleading Footage. Again.

Last week, the Daily Show pointed out that Fox News host Sean Hannity had used footage of a protest earlier this year to claim that an anti-health care event got more participants than it actually did. Hannity later acknowledged the error. It's happened again. Yesterday, Fox News host Gregg Jarrett used footage from a 2008 campaign rally to illustrate a story about how huge the crowds have been during Sarah Palin's book tour for Going Rogue.

Read The Rest at Think Progress

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lady Gaga and Beyonce team up for Video Phone, bomb!!

Watch The Video!!
Its' pretty damn hot and Beyonce has most to do with that. Her body is like the 7th wonder of the world! She has all sorts of different hairstyles and outfits, the vid is awesome. Of course her sexy dancing is showcased, I can't get enough of it, the song is HOT too and I don't normally like Beyonce's songs, I love her for the dancing and bod. She makes Lady Gaga look like a tiny flat chested doll but I like Gaga's voice better. Her face is a bit harder on the eyes but that bitch is so damn cool and delicious that I couldn't care less, they are both true entertainers, LOVE THEM!!

Beverage Company Approves Whiskey Rescue Mission In Antarctica

Beverage company Whyte & Mackay has approved a plan to drill beneath Antarctica's surface in search of two 100-year-old crates of whiskey that were lost during a 1909 shipwreck. If recovered, the company will use samples of the whiskey to decide whether to relaunch the brand. The rescue mission will be led by New Zealand's Antarctic Heritage Trust and is slated to begin in January. The crates were located in 2006 beneath the floor of an expedition hut near Cape Royds, but the ice was too thick to drill through at the time. When asked about the mission, a Whyte & Mackay's spokesman said that it's time for the whiskey to return home. "It's been laying there lonely and neglected. It should come back to Scotland where it was born."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sometimes well dressed men in exotic cars...

...just can't pull off straight...

(Taken in downtown San Diego, these men were hoooooott!!)

Hilarious Pick Up Line:

I just heard your pants ain't hiring because your butt won't quit!!


Crazy Christian College

I went to a really weird Christian university. SOME of the rules were: No drinking (even during summer vacation and even if you were 21+!), no premarital sex, no gambling, and get this, NO DANCING. There was a group of around 200-400 students who continued living normal lives despite our cloistered freakish university. Thank goodness for some real non-zombies who made college what it's supposed to be, the time in your life where you get to drink, do drugs, sleep around, and just EXPERIMENT with little consequence and it's funded by loans or your parents!! Life lessons are all I took away from school, and that's fine with me:)

Check out this creepy event at PLNU where they try to make its anti-dancing stance a lil joke:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yea Right, No Way: Kim Kardashian Picture

Read on the Nerve Blog that this was/is a picture of Kim Kardashian:

Yea fucking right.:

Yes!! No more overdraft fees!

If you're in your 20's (meaning you totally live beyond your means) then you hate overdraft fee's as much as I do! When a fucking $2 purchase turns into a $32 purchase it makes me want to go on a serial killing spree at my bank!

The Federal Reserve took action to curtail the widespread use of overdraft fees Thursday. Financial firms will no longer be allowed to automatically hit customers who charge a $2 cup of coffee with a $40 overdraft fee. Account holders will have to opt in to overdraft protection for debit card and ATM transactions. If they don't opt in, their cards will be declined when they try to spend too much. That won't be true for checks and automatic billing, which tend to be high-priority payments (like bills and mortgages) that customers want to go through, regardless of fines. Although the news will surely delight anyone who has ever paid $42 for a cup of coffee, consumer advocates warn that it may not save customers very much money in the long run. They expect banks, which rely on easy money from overdraft fees, to find ways to replace the lost revenue, perhaps by charging for traditionally free services, like checking accounts.

More Americans Smoking Again

After years of decline, a new study finds that the number of Americans who smoke has stabilized over the past five years and increased slightly last year. From 2007-08, the national number of smokers jumped from 19.8 percent to 20.6 percent after decades of moving in the opposite direction.

I don't know about you but there's something about smoking that is still so cool to me. I don't even smoke cigarettes, have many friends who do. I know the health dangers and what not, it just LOOKS cool. Taking a slow drag feels great. Also, maybe I like people that take risks to indulge in their vices, we only have one life....

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kettner Nights Tonite in Little Italy

Think trendy shops and studios and free wine! Hipster San Diegans would have you believe Kettner Boulevard in Little Italy is the equivalent of the NYC's Soho district. Absolutely NOT. But there are a small mixture of studios, gallery's, antique stores, modern furniture shops, jewelry stores and more concentrated under the flight path and adjacent the railroad tracks. The only thing missing is original and diverse people and thought... Mostly, I got for the free wine handed out at each stop....

-6:00 to 9:00PM
-Kettner Boulevard
(The photo above is on India Street, Little Italy's main thoroughfare. Kettner is one block over towards the Harbor. Most of the shops are between Laurel and Hawthorne Street.)

Today is Friday the 13th, Woooooo!!!

2009 is a special year because it has 3 Friday the 13ths, that won't happen again until 2012.
General DO NOT DO on Friday the 13th List:
1. Don't step on cracks
2. Don't cross a black cat
3. Don't walk under a ladder
4. Don't break mirrors (might as well avoid breaking glass too)

Past Sticks and Stones Blog Friday the 13th Posts:

Friday The 13th
Friday the 13th Post 2

Dare! China National Acrobatic Troupe

Location: Civic Theatre-1100 Third Ave at B St.
Box Office: (619) 570-1100
TONIGHT, Friday 13th, 7:30 PM

Man I've seen Cirque du Soleil's Ka and it completely and utterly blew my mind. Just seeing what the human body and mind are capable of made me incredibly proud of humans and innovation in dance and acrobatics. Dare is no different, the reviews are off the chain and they are critically lauded to the highest degree having won the highest honors in acrobatics and circus in the world.

Best Slam Dunk Names EVER

On November 13, 1979 Philadelphia 76ers center Darryl Dawkins leaps over Kansas City Kings forward Bill Robinzine and slam-dunks the basketball, shattering the fiberglass backboard. The result, according to people who were at the game, was a sound like a bomb going off in the middle of the court. Shards of glass were everywhere: They nicked Robinzine all over his legs and arms and gotten stuck in Dr. J’s Afro. "It wasn’t really a safe thing to do," Dawkins chuckled later, "but it was a Darryl Dawkins thing to do."

When the 6’10", 260-pound Dawkins joined the 76ers in 1975, he became the first NBA player to be drafted right out of high school. He gave himself the nickname "Chocolate Thunder" and set about making himself the most entertaining player in the league.

His slam-dunks were enormous crowd pleasers, and he named them all: the In-Your-Face Disgrace, the Look Out Below, the Turbo Sexophonic Delight, the Rim-Wrecker, the Go-Rilla, the Spine Chiller Supreme, the Cover Your Head, the Yo Mama and--his favorite--the Get-Out-of-the-Waying, Backboard-Swaying, Game-Delaying, If-You-Ain’t-Grooving-You-Best-Get-Moving Dunk. His Kansas City glass-breaker had a name befitting its magnitude: Dawkins called it the Chocolate-Thunder-Flying, Robinzine-Crying, Teeth-Shaking, Glass-Breaking, Rump-Roasting, Bun-Toasting, Wham-Bam Glass-Breaker-I-Am Jam.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Third Eye Blind is Crusin' SD Right now...

Man it'd be pretty rad to run into them...Although I might bust into How's It Gonna Be...damn that whole album just totally rules, really indicative of the times, love it.

Third Eye Blind with Grand Buffet
Thursday 11/12/2009
Doors: 07:00 PM
Show: 08:00 PM
Ages: 21+

House of Blues San Diego
1055 Fifth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 299-BLUE (2583)

Neil from Dead Poet's Society Back from the dead (Sort of)

Remember Robert Sean Leonard of Dead Poet's Society fame? He was Neil, a bright, colorful aspiring actor with an ASSHOLE of a father who wanted him to become a doctor instead. Committed pretty much the most tragic suicide in cinema history. Well it looks like they BOTH got what they wanted after all. He is now an actor playing the role of Dr. James Wilson on House M.D. !! lol Just thought I'd make that connection. You know, if his DPS performance riveted you or anything...ok if his LOOKS riveted you, yea I said it! I just remember he was hooooot:) And boy howdy, he's still looking good today...

First Recorded US Meteor Shower Witnessed 210 Years Ago Today!

Andrew Ellicott Douglass, an early American astronomer born in Vermont, witnesses the Leonids meteor shower from a ship off the Florida Keys. Douglass, who later became an assistant to the famous astronomer Percival Lowell, wrote in his journal that the "whole heaven appeared as if illuminated with sky rockets, flying in an infinity of directions, and I was in constant expectation of some of them falling on the vessel. They continued until put out by the light of the sun after day break." Douglass' journal entry is the first known record of a meteor shower in North America.

The Leonids meteor shower is an annual event that is greatly enhanced every 33 years or so by the appearance of the comet Tempel-Tuttle. When the comet returns, the Leonids can produce rates of up to several thousand meteors per hour that can light up the sky on a clear night. Douglass witnessed one such manifestation of the Leonids shower, and the subsequent return of the comet Tempel-Tuttle in 1833 is credited as inspiring the first organized study of meteor astronomy.


-November 17th, 2009
-Check out the meteors in the pre-dawn hours

Observers all across North America may experience a good Leonid show with "shooting stars" streaking across the sky every few minutes.

Also a big plus in 2009 is the lack of any interference from the moon. New moon is on Nov. 16, so skies will be dark for catching the fainter meteor streaks. And the first light of dawn will not break until shortly after 5 a.m. local time.

The best way to watch meteors is on you back in a recliner. Bring blankets and sleeping bags to keep warm.

(Read More on MSNBC)

Vote for the Top 50 Inventions of 2009

And it's not just Sham-wow's and Snuggies people (although both are totally dope)! On the Time website you can read through 50 inventions created this year and rate them 1-50 on what you think is most important. Just reading through the list is fun, I didn't even know some of this stuff existed, especially what I think will be the most AWESOME invention, Teleportation!!

From Time Online:
Inching our reality ever closer to Star Trek's, scientists at the University of Maryland's Joint Quantum Institute successfully teleported data from one atom to another in a container a meter away. A landmark in the brain-bending field known as quantum information processing, the experiment doesn't quite have the cool factor of body transportation; one atom merely transforms the other so it acts just like the original. Still, atom-to-atom teleportation has major implications for creating super-secure, ultra-fast computers.

TIMES 50 Best Inventions of 2009