Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Delicious Thanksgiving Day Feast

Thanksgiving Day originated as a celebration between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. The Pilgrims were just happy that they survived the brutal winter. The Native Americans were happy the Pilgrims just stopped complaining about how cold it was. Now, once a year, the most delectable, delicious, balls out incredible feast is served. One by one the elements of the traditional Thanksgiving Day feast aren't as powerful as the columnation of the whole. You can't just up and cook all these items any day of the year. It takes money, prepareation, determination and a REASON. The reason is the last Thursday of November, when you know all your freaking family will be in one room, a hotbed of seething tension, decades festering. The only reason we all show up and don't kill each other is because before us is pretty much the most fantastic meal ever crafted and since perfected. And ok ok, I really do give thanks on this day for the year that has passed. Can anyone believe 2009 is almost over!?!?!

Traditional Meal:

-Cranberry Sauce
-Stuffing/Dressing (as some folks call it)
-Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
-Green Bean Casserole (gotta have the crunchy french onions on top!)
-Candied Yams/Sweet Potatoes
-Creamed Corn
-Dinner Rolls and butter
-Dessert: Pecan, Sweet Potato, Apple, Pumpkin, Etc. PIE
Nu Alternatives and Delicious Additions:
-Macaroni and Cheese
-Potato Cheese Soup
-Green Salad (Never quite fits....)
-Au gratin Potatoes
-Any bacon additions in dishes
-Deviled Eggs

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