Monday, November 30, 2009

Worth 20 Minutes??

20 Minutes if you're watching online, 30 minutes if you watch it on television (are people still doing that!?!?)

Not worth it:

On NBC. Yes, the writing is good but the acting is bad (outside of the funny black guy) and if I have to hear the retarded name, Brita, again I'll shoot myself.

Star Power: Chevy Chase, one of the more funny actors. Brit from The Daily Show is aiight. Asian guy from The Hangover: yet another bizarre and slightly retarded role for him...

Totally Worth It:

Modern Family
on ABC. Excellent writing and a great comedic cast. The story lines are funny and things usually end pretty sweetly. Hint: There is a hot/sexy yet lovable Columbian and a fabulous amazing gay couple!

Star Power: Married With Children Dad is back! Also, great cameo's pop up all over.


  1. Ahbid is hilarious! I tolerate the show just for that character. I find Chevy Chase's character to be unequivocally UNfunny.

  2. Wow we think of Community's level of funniness on polar opposite ends lady!
