Wednesday, June 3, 2009

San Diego the new Seattle?!

If you're living in Hell I hope you have a jacket, things will be freezing over if they haven't already. Every day in today's SD 10 Day Forecast on The Weather Channel has the word CLOUDY on it. I was born in San Diego and have lived here for a looooong time and I have never seen that. Never has May Gray been so....Gray! God if June Gloom is taking its cue from its predecessor were in for a Northwest Winter. Makes me feel bad for complaining about months of sunny sunny sunny in the past... I'm actually flying to Seattle on Friday and it's sunny and 80's degrees there! Seattle, beating San Diego for picturesque summer weather? I repeat: Hell Dwellers get a sweater!!

1 comment:

  1. I swear the nw and socal flip flopped. My friends in Portland are all going out on their boats, having BBQ's, etc. It's been sunny and warm up there, while Long Beach has been consistently grey. booooo!
