Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hilarious Deleted Scene from Forgetting Sarah Marshall!!

I absolutely love the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But I didn't really like the other movies by the same creators, The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. The 40 Year Old Virgin was just a bit too slow and immaturely vulgar and the message in Knocked Up was so incredibly backward I couldn't get through it: Get knocked up and have the baby even though the situation is the worst idea for the adult lives involved (and inversely for the baby's life). So yes, I was a bit surprised when I fell in love with this one. Lead Peter (Jason Segel) does a great job sharing his pain of breaking up with beautiful Sarah (Kristen Bell in a very well done role!), it's so real I got a lump in my throat just watching it but the amped humor helps to quickly get over it. Every person does their job as hilarious sidekicks like Paul Rudd, Jonah Hill, Bill Hader. It's pretty lovable and believeable which rom coms (romantic comedies) rarely are for cynical people like me. One dark spot: Mila Kunis. And it'd be much much darker if she wasn't otherwordly beautiful. She can't act and her role is base and odd but again, she gorgeous so you can kind of just zone out her whole performance. Trust me, you won't miss anything. I bought a copy of course and was delighted to check out the deleted scenes. One of them with SNL powerhouse Kristen Wigg!! It's great, if you haven't seen the movie, check it out and don't forget the deleted scenes!!

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