Thursday, April 9, 2009

Whistle While You Work Harder Than The Rest of The World

Americans work two weeks longer than the work-till-you-drop Japanese, and two months longer than the Germans, who sometimes receive up to 15 weeks paid vacation each year, according to the Hay Group, a human resource consulting firm. Although our self-imposed "all work, no play" attitude doesn't necessarily make us dull, it does make us tired, cranky and overworked. For many of today's worker bees, the typical vacation is like a busman's holiday, on speed. American workers are wage warriors who work when they relax. With cellphone, laptop, pager, and email at the ready, there's no such thing as a vacation anymore.
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A Sample of Average Vacation Days By Country:

Denmark 31 days
Austria and Finland 30 days
France and Norway 25 days
Germany 24 days
Belgium, Ireland, the U.K., the Netherlands and Switzerland 20 days
Brazil 22 days
Australia 20 days
Colombia and New Zealand 15 days.
U.S., Canada, Japan 10 days
Mexico 6 days

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