Thursday, April 9, 2009

Getting to know Americas Animated Families

I hate internet TV. Gone is the superiority I used to get from not having a TV in my house, I feel like I'm watching more TV than I did the 9 months I had a TV in college! Fuck, I'm hitting the library again, my brains just NOT as sharp...ANYWHO. Internet TV means I never miss a Family Guy or Simpsons episode ( I'm not proud of this, I'm just saying). I've been noticing lately just how different the two animated comedies are, the physical comedy of Simpsons and the non sequitur humor of Family Guy. More astonishing is the difference between the two leading men. Homer is an IDIOT, who thinks with his stomach and reacts first with anger but loves his family and really does try his best. He may screw stuff up at first but there was an episode where he worked 23 hours a day so Lisa could have a pony. Peter however is a trifecta of retarded, selfish and non-reedming. He never lets up and never has a moment where you know he really cares. But I don't watch Family Guy for Peter (Stewy, Brian and Chris is where the real humor is, if not in the off color side scenes that are the backbone of the show). It's funny because Peter's wife Lois stays mad at Peter and loves him hands down even though hes practically done every horrible thing known to man and never apologizes or does anything for her. Did I mention SHE is hot and rich?? Marge however has gotten so angry that Homer has spent entire episodes trying to get her love back! OK, Im getting to intimately know these characters, scary. I need more friends!! Anyway the openings of The Simpsons have been just sooooo rad. I can't believe they make a new one every time. Also, the second episode I posted below was just so incredibly sweet and cute and made me cry. Im PMSing so Im super emotional but its just soooo cute!!

Great Simpson Opening

Really Cute Simpsons Episode

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