Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On This Day In History: Seduction is made illegal

Ohio passes a statute that makes seduction unlawful in 1886. Covering all men over the age of 18 who worked as teachers or instructors of women, this law even prohibited men from having consensual sex with women (of any age) whom they were instructing. The penalty for disobeying this law ranged from two to 10 years in prison.

Ohio's seduction law was not the first of its kind. An Virginia law made it illegal for a man to have an "illicit connexion (sic) with any unmarried female of previous chaste character" if the man did so by promising to marry the girl. An 1848 New York law made it illegal to "under promise of marriage seduce any unmarried female of previous chaste character." Georgia's version of the seduction statute made it unlawful for men to "seduce a virtuous unmarried female and induce her to yield to his lustful embraces, and allow him to have carnal knowledge of her."

Well now that seduction is legal try this favorite position for women:


How it works

The woman lies on her right side; the man kneels, straddling her right leg and curling her left leg around his left side.

The benefit
You get the deeper penetration of doggy style while still being able to look at each other. Also, ergonomics: "For a lot of women, doggy style hurts their backs," says sex therapist Rebecca Rosenblat, author of Seducing Your Man. While you lounge comfortably, you can prompt your guy to add manual stimulation. "That's a can't-miss combination," she says.

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