Wednesday, April 22, 2009

History Channel Gems

Thinking about the end of the human race, humanity, earth, totally sucks. It's sad to think of this all being over, beautiful life gone and not a soul to tell of how amazing and complex it all was....but in watching this History Channel show I got a healthy does of reality. It IS going to end and they go through 7 of the ways shit might go down. For some of you it may just want to make you go all anarchist and destroy stuff or fuck it all away with drugs in some crack house. But for me?? Well it makes me want to make the most of my life and see the whole world before its gone. I wish thats what life was all about, just BEING. Just LIVING life beautifully and kindly while were here in this short time....

Note: How they make complex science and astronomy EASY to understand is due to their awesome scientists and amazing graphics. This is so awesome to watch!!
History Channel Description
Could the human race become suddenly extinct? We count down seven ways in which the world as we know it could meet an abrupt and untimely end, from a mammoth asteroid strike to the eruption of a super volcano. What would happen as computers literally become trillions of times smarter than we are--would they program our mass murder? Scientists, experts, and witnesses describe these and other vividly pictured disaster scenarios, from super bugs created in secret labs to black holes that could suck earth into oblivion. Using state-of-the-art computer-generated graphics and interviews with the world's top scientists, we will leave viewers pondering humanity's place in the universe and will reveal the most terrifying truth of all--that our greatest enemy is ourselves.

Note: I haven't seen this one but I can't wait to!

History Channel Description
The Series begins in the moments after people disappear. As each day, month, and year passes, the fate of a particular environment, city or theme is disclosed. Special effects, combined with interviews from top experts in the fields of engineering, botany, biology, geology, and archeology provide an unforgettable visual journey through the ultimately hypothetical.

As modern metropolises like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington DC are ravaged by nature; the series exposes the surprising insights about how they function today. Basing this futuristic world on the surprising history of real locations, already abandoned by man, like a century-old shack in the arctic and an abandoned island that was once the most densely populated place on earth are featured in the series.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, and not only because he's black
Read About Tyson on The Angry Lab Rat
See His Interview on The Daily Show with John Stewart (This isn't available anymore)

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