Thursday, April 2, 2009

LA Story

LA Story

A friend recommended we rent this movie, she'd seen it as a kid and had inklings of remembering she really liked it. It also had our love Sarah Jessica Parker in it, done deal. Right off the bat: IT WAS BIZARRE. It started off hilariously, it was rife with LA spoofs and loving mockery. The other worldly happiness we have from all this sunshine, fitness and health fad fanatics and 80-90's new agey references. But then it spirals into crazy characters and humor with references that I think were just before my time. I had to read reviews on this movie and I found it was rated at 94% on Rotten Tomatoes! Most movies are happy to get around 40%!! I couldn't help but constantly wonder WHAT I was missing. Lost satire, odd and crazy comments, constant romantic scenes with "Enya Does Scotland Bagpipes" type of background music. Oh and Sarah J Parker was super annoying in it as a valley girl (with WAY to much energy) love interest. I don't think it is one of those movies I will watch again that will get more and more funny over time. It's just to early for me to identify with comedically. Role Models on the other hand, was hilarious and I will definitely be watching that again!

Role Models

(Don't forget to watch the outtakes and deleted scenes. This movie is hilarious because lots of these actors can improv so well and these extra scenes really showcase that. This movie has all the regular cast of characters from 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up in roles that they have already played (and still do well) or never played before (and totally pull off). Check it out!!)

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