Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Pranks

UPDATE: A dude at my work found this article on all the internet pranks going around today!! Twitter, YouTube and Google to name a few, are in on the fun!!
Read Here

I think Burger King's left handed whopper prank was really funny!! My brother and I took April Fools to some high levels. Im in a constant state of paranoia on this day and maybe you should be too. Over time some huge pranks have been pulled. Click here for some pranks done over time or read my classics below:

Golden Splash
Put a tight layer of saran wrap over the toilet bowl (stretched so tight you cant see it) and then put the seat down over. Nothing like getting a golden pee splash when you least expect it.

Kool Aid Waterfall
Unscrew the shower head and put 3-5 packs of green or blue Kool Aid in the head. When your dwelling partner showers they'll think an alien is jizzing on their hair.

Nozzle Power
If you have a separate spray sink nozzle on your sink (lucky) put a rubber band around the ON lever and when someone turns on the sink, it will spray and eternally annoy them.

Doggy Bag
Replace someones cereal with kibbles. This is really messed up. And very funny.

Car Hijinks
Put fake tickets on cars. Also, tape pictures of angry faces to the back wind shield of cars so when the driver checks in the review mirror they see a screaming face.

Olive Juice
Put black olive juice in place of dark beverages. That stuff is disgusting.

Fat Smile
Put Crisco in someones toothpaste tube. Very disturbing and way cooler than yeast infection cream which is NOT ok.

Up In Smoke
Trade someones cigs out for a different type, try menthol or some girly Camel experiment brand. This will be pricey.

Sure Fire Freakouts
Tell your parents you're pregnant, joining Al Quaida, and/or reviving the Jonestown cult practices in Brazil.

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