Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tonite: Dining Out For Life!!

A slew of restaurants, bars, coffee houses and nightclubs in San Diego are donating a portion of their sales to fight AIDS tonight.

Make Reservations and Learn More HERE!!!!!

Swine Flu Warning circa 1976

Swine Flu hysteria is ridiculous. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of the REGULAR flu. As of late I think ONE person has died in America from swine flu. I watched The Daily Show the other day and his Moment of Zen is below. It's a swine flu warning message circa the 70's. Stupid Swine Flu, even more people died from drinking too much water than you!!
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Moment of Zen - The Swine Flu Shot
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisFirst 100 Days

Anvil: The Story of Anvil, to screen at Ken Cinema

CityBeat film editor Anders Wright gave the doc Anvil: The Story of Anvil a nine out of 10 this week, calling it the most inspiring movie this year. On Friday, May 1, after the film's 9:35 p.m. screening at Ken Cinema (4061 Adams Ave. in Kensington), Steve "Lips" Kudlow and Robb Reiner will make a live appearance.

Is this true!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Robb Reiner made fucking Spinal Tap!!!! I love this man!!!!
OH WAIT. ROB REINER (one B) made Spinal Tap. This Robb Reiner plays the drummer in Anvil. Got it. Still sorta cool....

Check Out Trailer and Showtimes Here!!

If You Have T-Mobile and You Pay Your Bills Late

Then you probably get repeated calls from 877-819-6042 asking you to pay up. Instead of guessing if it's a phone call you should answer (although the 877 is already a bad sign) do what I do and save the number as:

T-Mob Wants Your Money

Pretty clever huh? Mobile becoming Mob? It makes me chuckle every time.

Craigslist Missed Connection: You have read mis-read the situation

Looking for brunette cashier from Ralphs Downtown - m4w (Downtown)
Reply to:
Date: 2009-04-30, 1:26AM PDT

You've helped me in line a few times now, and always have a sexy apathetic demeanor to you. Your name tag starts with a K, and you have some arm tattoos. Catch me if you're curious.

* Location: Downtown
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Im the guy who asks you to do stupid shit like tell me how much this pack of gum I have no intention of buying is and asks where the Magnum Condoms are that will definentely never fit me just so I can talk to you. Youre being apathetic not because youre trying to be sexy but because you are on to me and know I'm a douche bag and want me out of your "god damn face". When I leave you will definitely be rolling your eyes and talking shit about me using words like douche, bro, idiot and possibly motherfucker. Youre way cooler and way more suave boyfriend did your tats. You are NOT curious and you will NOT be catching me.

PostingID: 1147137044

On This Day In History: Ellen Comes Out

In a widely publicized episode of ABC's comedy Ellen, TV character Ellen Morgan, played by Ellen DeGeneres, announces that she is gay. The episode featured cameo appearances by Oprah Winfrey, k.d. lang, Demi Moore, Billy Bob Thornton, and Dwight Yoakam. An estimated 42 million viewers watched the special hour-long program. Ellen became the first primetime sitcom to feature a gay leading character. The first openly gay regular character on a sitcom was Soap's Jodie Dallas, played by Billy Crystal, starting in 1977.

Until the "coming out" episode, DeGeneres' career seemed unstoppable. A New Orleans native, she worked various odd jobs after high school to support herself while she worked the stand-up comedy circuit. At age 22, she won Showtime's "Funniest Person in America" award and shortly after began landing small TV roles. In 1994, she was cast in a series called These Friends of Mine, but she stole the show, and the program came back in the 1995 season as just Ellen. The program finished in the top 20 shows for the 1994-1995 season. She seemed to be following in the footsteps of stand-up comics like Tim Allen and Jerry Seinfeld, and, like them, she published a bestselling book, My Point--And I Do Have One (1995).

Despite her success, and the enormous audience drawn by the coming-out episode, ABC cancelled the series at the end of the 1997 season. Although the network pointed to dwindling ratings, DeGeneres contended that the network buckled under pressure from conservative groups and stopped promoting the show after the controversial episode.

In September 2003, Ellen launched a talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which has since enjoyed great popularity. It won four Daytime Emmy Awards in its first season.

NOTE: I love Ellen's story. She had the bravery to come out when her career was at it's height and rose above the prejudice, bigotry and hate to become one of America's most talented and hilarious comedians. I remember when she came out my Dad (who is one of those lovable racists) vowed to stop watching her show, EVEN THOUGH he had adored it the whole time it aired and of course he wasn't the only one. Just goes to show you how far America has come. In a matter of time gay and straight won't matter, it will come back to the "content of ones character" to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Facebook Fun!!!!!!

You have to do this!!! It's HILARIOUS. First of all if you don't have a Facebook account you can't do it so get one. If youre over 25 Myspace is only to be used for music finding purposes anyway. Scroll down the page all the way to the very bottom and click where is probably says English (US), now change the language to English (Pirate) and start laughing your ass off!!!

SD Music Alumni News: The Sundelles

The Sundelles used to called San Diego (ok LA also) home before they crossed the country East to set roots in NYC. Via a myspace bulletin from their page, I read an article with lead singer of The Sundelles, Sam Sundos, by across the pond music blog The Lepanto League. Check it and the video below out!! The Sundelles sounds like 60's pop infused with post punk Joy Division overtones. I've had the chance to see them live and it completely works, they sound great.


Stand Up Comedy Gem: Daniel Tosh, Completely Serious

VERY Funny (super cute:) and rides that fine line between clean jokes, raunchy jokes and outright uncomfortably hilarious jokes. Here's a sample of his special I rented from Blockbuster last night. If youre into standup this guy is pretty talented and isn't afraid to touch on topics as politically incorrect as class, religion and GASP race.

On This Day In History: Riot Erupts in Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, California, four Los Angeles police officers that had been caught beating an unarmed African-American motorist in an amateur video are acquitted of any wrongdoing in the arrest. Hours after the verdicts were announced, outrage and protest turned to violence, as rioters in south-central Los Angeles blocked freeway traffic and beat motorists, wrecked and looted numerous downtown stores and buildings, and set more than 100 fires.
Rioting and violence continued during the next 24 hours, and Korean shop owners in African-American neighborhoods defended their businesses with rifles. On May 1, President George Bush ordered military troops and riot-trained federal officers to Los Angeles and by the end of the next day the city was under control. The three days of disorder killed 55 people, injured almost 2,000, led to 7,000 arrests, and caused nearly $1 billion in property damage, including the burnings of nearly 4,000 buildings.
The acquittals touched off rioting and looting in Los Angeles that grew into the most destructive U.S. civil disturbance of the 20th century.

Read The Rest

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lovin' Luam

This bitch can dance. I mean it, you don't even know what dancing IS until you've seen Luam and her crew go at it. She is beautiful and has a beautiful spirit and choreography like I can only make up in my head and then some. What I love almost as much as her moves is the diversity of her dance crew and the diversity of the dances she does. Check out one of her many videos below and then get lost in her talent on YouTube.

She has choreographed for TV ,commercial campaigns (MTV's Hip Hop Week, Mastercard, As The World Turns, etc.) and various recording artists (Kris, Joe Buddens, etc.). She has also danced for Ludacris, Kelis, Kanye West, Kevin Lyttle, Ashanti, etc.. She has worked with Ciara, Mashonda, Nelly Furtado, Fergie, Busta Rhymes; choreographed for Fila, and Def Jam artist Rihanna on stages and screens all over the world and in the US. Luam also teaches master workshops and perform with her group internationally as well.

Sex is on Fire- Kings of Leon

The video makes NO sense, THE SONGS RULES!

THIS SONG IS GREAT. I'd written of Kings of Leon when my lovely but stuck up sisters boyfriend (a law school stuffy dork) was raving about them. I hate when I make music decisions based on the fans, you miss out when you do that. You can imagine my surprise when a radio dj announced that the incredible song I'd just heard was Kings of Leon. This song was reminiscent of The Police (has a lot to do with the leader sings great, almost crying, soulful voice). It has one of those signature Police guitar riffs that checks in and out quickly between major and minor chords as the leads voice pleads with you. Then all of sudden youve got this rock and roll chorus abou sex and fire, outta nowhere. Its a pretty hot song, sounds great, theres even an arena worthy acapella break down with a drum beat at the bridge. I love this song!!

The Grove Trolley Could Kill You

Grove Danger.
Does anyone else think it's weird that a trolley just zooms through LA's The Grove Shopping Center without so much as a clanging alarm or dropping arm to block people from it's path?? One of my more daring friends playfully jumped on the trolley as it was moving (with a broken leg no less) and found that contrary to how it LOOKS that baby is chugging along at a high speed. Has anyone ever died from it??? It HAS crashed before...hmmm Im just thinking of that law suit money. Hey you may have a maimed leg but you can cover it up with some nice new leather boots. Or gold dust....

Monday, April 27, 2009

Too Much

Too Much: Singing. And I even have a pretty high threshold for Broadway and musicals. I think it has to do with the fact that all the music is done by ABBA. No. No thank you.

Too Much: Crassness. I adore Martin and Im no prude by any stretch but even FUNNY pussy jokes get stale after awhile. Also, Too Much Leather for one outfit....

Too Much: Left Unanswered. But thats why Weird Science works. Actually thats the ONLY way Weird Science works.

Too Much: No thats it. Just Too Much.

Huge Pacific Garbage Swirl

This dry, windless area is dominated by the Northern Pacific Gyre, a wind current that encircles an area twice the size of the continental United States. This ribbon of wind traps floating debris, mostly plastic, in a perpetual clockwise swirl. Part of this massive patch sits between Hawaii and the Mainland. It is estimated to be twice the size of Texas, and growing every day. At some points it goes 90 feet down with trash and garbage. When sailing up to this point the water disappears and you see plastic as far as the eye can see.....

Read More

Great Quote

" It is now the fall of my second year in Paris. I was sent here for a reason I have not yet been able to fathom. I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive. A year ago, six months ago, I thought that I was an artist. I no longer think about it, I am." Henry Miller

Boom Boom Pow Video

If you don't think this song is what it says it is (futuristic and insane) then you're being pretentious and you need to get over and get in it! Here's the video!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Scene Opinions

In what alternate universe (local scene) do we live in where an accomplished and amazing vocalist and a very talented, high energy folk rock band are billed under a mediocre bloated guy and guitar act? Oh one where billing the guy with the largest built in crowd of followers beats the people with more talent? Ok noooow I get it.

Decide for yourself I guess. A very tight knit army of attractive Christians is probably praying for me and planning my demise simultaneously right now, I've said something mildly negative about one of their most beloved....

Joel P. West, The Vision of A Dying World, Ms. Erika Davies @ The Boat House (2939 Monroe Ave, near 30th, 7pm, $5), Tonight

Busy Weekend of Both Crap and Fun

SKIP: Little Italy Art Walk
Why: Crappy art, crappy people who buy crappy art, and the kids of crappy people who buy crappy art. Go hit a museum in Balboa Park or a gallery on Ray Street instead.

SKIP: Adams Avenue Roots Festival
Why: You don't know the bands and you'll be going to Adams Avenue Street Fair which is the same thing with better bands. Go see a local show in a dive bar and have at least one meal in an Adams Avenue joint. Next week.

ATTEND: Sight And Sound
Why: San Diegans cum their pants for events that link all our favorites together: Popular local bands, watching people dance, our own art, schmooooooooooozing the HELL out of each other and Tim Pyles.

MSNBC Poll Being Skewed By Butthurt Republicans

Damn sore losers. But I gotta hand it to em. Nobody organizes like the Republicans. And they sure know how to carry out their assassinations. Now they are flooding an MSNBC Poll on President Obamas first 100 Hundered Days with tons of F grades, booo!!

Give Obama the Props He Deserves Here!!!

SDSU moves up Playboys List of Top Party Schools to #3!!

And Playboy Magazines Dedication to Scientific Process Remains:

"We didn't want bias tainting the results so we took a scientific approach and developed algorithms to equally weigh all of the things that are crucial to the social and academic development of collegians -- including sports, nightlife, girls and, of course, a solid education," said Playboy Assistant Editor Rocky Rakovic (Total Porn Name).

The top 10 party schools:

1. University of Miami
2. University of Texas (Austin)
3. San Diego State University
4. University of Florida
5. University of Arizona
6. University of Wisconsin (Madison)
7. University of Georgia
8. Louisiana State University
9. University of Iowa
10. West Virginia University

Did you know?

You have to replace your breast implants every 10 years at the most.

(Um we said REPLACE, not REFILL)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Independence Jam Lineup and New Location

Independence Jam will be at the Oceanside Pier Plaza Amphitheater

Main Stage Acts

The Black Keys

Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Dead Confederate

Casbah Local 94/9 Stage

Dirty Sweet

Scarlet Symphony

The Creepy Creeps

Apes of Wrath

Tickets for Independence Jam go on-sale on Monday, April 27th at noon. Tickets are just $30, which includes all service fees and a $1/ticket charity donation to the About the Music Fund to help music education programs in the San Diego County Public Schools.


Fares from Long Beach,Burbank and San Diego have been reduced to $29-$99 each way
in a 1-day sale announced by JetBlue today. Flights to the
East Coast are as low as $79.

The sale is for travel April 30 - June 10, but only on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tickets must be booked by 11:59PM
MST tonight.

Sample fares from Long Beach (each way):
- Las Vegas ... $29
- Oakland ... $29
- San Francisco ... $29
- Sacramento ... $39
- Seattle ... $39
- Portland ... $49
- Boston ... $79
- Fort Lauderdale ... $99
- Washington, D.C. ... $99

Sample fares from Burbank (each way):
- Las Vegas ... $29
- New York City ... $99

Sample fares from San Diego (each way):
- Salt Lake City ... $49
- Seattle ... $59
- New York City ... $99

Book directly through JetBlue Airways Here

From the fattest to the leanest, adult obesity rankings by state:

1: Mississippi

2: West Virginia

3: Alabama

4: Louisiana;

5 (tie): South Carolina, Tennessee

7: Kentucky

8: Arkansas

9 (tie): Indiana, Michigan, Oklahoma

12 (tie): Missouri, Texas

14: Georgia

15: Ohio

16: Alaska

17: North Carolina

18: Nebraska

19: North Dakota

20 (tie): Iowa, South Dakota

22: Wisconsin

23 (tie): Pennsylvania, Virginia

25 (tie): Illinois, Maryland

27: Kansas

28: Minnesota

29: Delaware

30: Oregon

31 (tie): Idaho, Washington

33: Maine

34: Florida

35: Wyoming

36: California

37: Nevada

38 (tie): New Hampshire, New York

40 (tie): D.C., New Jersey

42: New Mexico

43: Arizona

44: Utah

45: Montana

46: Rhode Island

47 (tie): Connecticut, Hawaii

49: Vermont

50: Massachusetts

51: Colorado.

Interestingly, the literacy rates for leaner New England, Oregon and Colorado are the highest in the Union. The inverse can be stated for the fatter states....

17 Year Olds can now buy Plan B

Thank you for lowering teen pregnancy rates and curbing the rise of children being raised by slightly older children. There are a million babies who need capable adult parents in the world. Every less neglected child is worth continuing the fight for family planning and birth control.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


"It is now observed in 175 countries, and coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network, according to whom Earth Day is now "the largest secular holiday in the world, celebrated by more than a half billion people every year."

Do something awesome for the planet today. Even throwing away that cigarette butt, using reusable bags at Trader Joe's, walking to the corner taco shop and bringing a reusable mug to get your coffee counts. Word.

420 Family Guy

William Randolph Hearst (yes the man who made a shit ton of money only to go crazy and start collecting his pee in jars) started a smear campaign against marijuana in the 1930's. He successfully set out to destroy any possibility of using hemp for paper production, even though it was more resilient, cheaper and better for the planet, because of his holdings in the timber industry. This episode is both funny and informative, check it out.

Haha: Rainn Wilson Twitter

''Watching Hotel for Dogs with my wife and son. Kate Winslet plays a Nazi with a lot of books. Still waiting for ONE stupid dog to show up.''

Texas Secession, why didn't we think of that first??

All we ask is that you be hasty about it Lone Star State!

What We'd Miss:



Only Cool Shit in Texas:


History Channel Gems

Thinking about the end of the human race, humanity, earth, totally sucks. It's sad to think of this all being over, beautiful life gone and not a soul to tell of how amazing and complex it all was....but in watching this History Channel show I got a healthy does of reality. It IS going to end and they go through 7 of the ways shit might go down. For some of you it may just want to make you go all anarchist and destroy stuff or fuck it all away with drugs in some crack house. But for me?? Well it makes me want to make the most of my life and see the whole world before its gone. I wish thats what life was all about, just BEING. Just LIVING life beautifully and kindly while were here in this short time....

Note: How they make complex science and astronomy EASY to understand is due to their awesome scientists and amazing graphics. This is so awesome to watch!!
History Channel Description
Could the human race become suddenly extinct? We count down seven ways in which the world as we know it could meet an abrupt and untimely end, from a mammoth asteroid strike to the eruption of a super volcano. What would happen as computers literally become trillions of times smarter than we are--would they program our mass murder? Scientists, experts, and witnesses describe these and other vividly pictured disaster scenarios, from super bugs created in secret labs to black holes that could suck earth into oblivion. Using state-of-the-art computer-generated graphics and interviews with the world's top scientists, we will leave viewers pondering humanity's place in the universe and will reveal the most terrifying truth of all--that our greatest enemy is ourselves.

Note: I haven't seen this one but I can't wait to!

History Channel Description
The Series begins in the moments after people disappear. As each day, month, and year passes, the fate of a particular environment, city or theme is disclosed. Special effects, combined with interviews from top experts in the fields of engineering, botany, biology, geology, and archeology provide an unforgettable visual journey through the ultimately hypothetical.

As modern metropolises like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington DC are ravaged by nature; the series exposes the surprising insights about how they function today. Basing this futuristic world on the surprising history of real locations, already abandoned by man, like a century-old shack in the arctic and an abandoned island that was once the most densely populated place on earth are featured in the series.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, and not only because he's black
Read About Tyson on The Angry Lab Rat
See His Interview on The Daily Show with John Stewart (This isn't available anymore)

On This Day In History: Seduction is made illegal

Ohio passes a statute that makes seduction unlawful in 1886. Covering all men over the age of 18 who worked as teachers or instructors of women, this law even prohibited men from having consensual sex with women (of any age) whom they were instructing. The penalty for disobeying this law ranged from two to 10 years in prison.

Ohio's seduction law was not the first of its kind. An Virginia law made it illegal for a man to have an "illicit connexion (sic) with any unmarried female of previous chaste character" if the man did so by promising to marry the girl. An 1848 New York law made it illegal to "under promise of marriage seduce any unmarried female of previous chaste character." Georgia's version of the seduction statute made it unlawful for men to "seduce a virtuous unmarried female and induce her to yield to his lustful embraces, and allow him to have carnal knowledge of her."

Well now that seduction is legal try this favorite position for women:


How it works

The woman lies on her right side; the man kneels, straddling her right leg and curling her left leg around his left side.

The benefit
You get the deeper penetration of doggy style while still being able to look at each other. Also, ergonomics: "For a lot of women, doggy style hurts their backs," says sex therapist Rebecca Rosenblat, author of Seducing Your Man. While you lounge comfortably, you can prompt your guy to add manual stimulation. "That's a can't-miss combination," she says.