Monday, October 20, 2008

SD Band to Watch: Tape Deck Mountain

I knew that no one arriving after 9 PM to San Diego Sports Club (ugh, Ruby Room) would get into Grand Ole Party and Jamuel Saxon who I love was playing free at The Whistlestop, no brainer. Plus it was the CD release party for Tape Deck Mountain who'd I'd been wanting to check out. Jamuel Saxon was great again, you guys need an EP or something! Tape Deck Mountain was awesome too. Maybe because I love music made in the Northwest? Ok they make the music here but it's reminiscent of The Microphones, a scaled back Death Cab during Transalanticism and they even had a bit of artsy punk in there. It's got all the longing distant vocals and distorted rock riffs of other music made in Olympia, Seattle or Bellingham. Oh and Tape Deck Mountain is a drum/guitar two piece. I've stopped being skeptical of two pieces because of the White Stripes and have raised the bar high for the same reason. These guys were on it. Paulie is a great drummer, very intricate complicated drum beats is a MUST for a two piece. And Travis has those smooth and angsty Northwest vocals over more simple but no less interesting guitar work. Using the power of the pedals they worked together to produce a lush sound from two instruments (and sometimes a beat maker). They had all the controlled yet experimental distortion of the Microphones and enough catchy rythm and melody to provide energy and familiarity . I thought their show was rad and I can't wait for the next one. Check out Tape Deck Mountain on The Local Pyle 94/9 FM radio show on November 16th for an on air interview and music set.

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