Monday, October 20, 2008

Art Show Review: David Adey and Graham Caldwell

Right off the bat: A great show, interesting, highly impressive craftsmanship and one of those shows you can bring your "I'm only going for the cheap wine" friends you know and love. The Luis de Jesus Seminal Projects gallery is a small but warm space and it helped that the majority of the people were from Point Loma Nazarane University, where Dave Adey is an art professor. This transalates to lots of hugs, lots of smiles and lots of good art. I hadn't been aware there were two artists showing their work in the space, what a treat. Graham Caldwell had some amazing glass blow installations. I love glass art, so shiny and smooth that it's dynamic, always looks like it's moving or changing as the light catches it in diffrent places. Sometimes it looks like it's dripping or twisting, a la, some sort of tame shroom trip. He had this awesome peice that looked like a GIANT glass drop of wine splattering on the wall that I stared at for quite some time.

Dave Adey's work was just as thought provoking and masterfully crafted (haha that made me think of mstrkrft). He takes large pictures of real like celebrity photos and punches shapes of all sizes in them, then puts them back together . I'm talking TONS of cutous. And everything from little hearts and farm animals the size of a mustard seed to stars and leaves the size of half your iphone. There's a crab there, a wrench here and together they form this picture that from across the room, just looks like Posh Spice. Oh the things you see when you get your nose close to the glass and pay attention. I recomend this show for anyone. There were kids there (yes, the PLNU baby factory is still hoppin' even during the reccession) and they loved it, the adults loved it, apathetic young adults loved it. The show ends on November 20th, see the information below!!

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