Sunday, June 11, 2017

Blogger Barely Pulls Off Gratuitously Long Break

WHOA!!!!!!!!! I found my old blog today. If you've ever read your old diaries you know the feeling of being slightly annoyed and totally embarrassed at the focus of your younger brain. I was prepared for the same self-loathing experience when I read through my blog but it never happened. Actually I'm pretty proud. I haven't read it all but the latest several posts are things I'd say/think now! Everything was written pre-Wake Up. That is before I started meditating and being more conscious of my thoughts and feelings. If I wasn't aware of my thoughts and feeling then then I'd have no way of remembering them now, what a gift this blog has given me! It's so awesome that even though I wasn't aware of my feelings then, I was still having and expressing them. Whether we're awake or we're not, we are still ourselves. Im comforted in that. Ok, so I'm just gonna pick up where I left off SIX freaking years later. My blog used to be called Sticks and Stones Live and I started it in San Diego when I was much younger and much higher on weed. I'm now back in Seattle were I sort of faded out in 2012 around my last posts. What a freaggin loop. It's terrifyingly beautiful, the synchronicity of life when you really start to view it. Be careful not to judge my unconscious past or my conscious future. I'm a human plain and simple;
I embody all that is incredible AND fucked up. This means I'm not perfect and never ever ever could be. Doesn't mean I can't do my heart felt best:) Love, Heather June 11, 2017 (Picture of me teaching a meditation class. I know, I know, we've got a lot of catching up to do!!)

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