Monday, February 21, 2011

The Lady Men of South Mexico

I'm in the midst of a walkabout around Mexico and Central America and have been hitting up friends for any reccomendations of things to do, things to see, places to eat, bars to drink in and dancefloors to grace. Lo and behold a friend sends me an article from Turista Libre on his journey in Oaxaca where I ended up living for 2 months. His article had small mention on muxes, and although I didn't see one I was super intrigued about it, it was hard to find more info on it, even from the locals!

From Turista Libre Blog:
A sidenote on muxes ("mushes"): It's common for Zapotec parents who have no daughters to raise one of their boys as a girl in case anything ever were to happen to Mom. What's more, mothers of muxes often refer to them as their favorite sons and overall they're considered more as a third gender rather than transgender or gay. It's a cultural fluke in Mexico's notorious reputation as a macho paradise that's particular to Oaxaca. I didn't photograph any muxes because in tourist-heavy zones like this, I guessed they have to deal with enough of that.

By The Way, Turista Libre is also a super dope group that take these INSANE not to be missed trips down to TJ, they are always safe, always interesting, always boozy, and always filled with lots and lots of cool people. Check out and join their Facebook and take a break from your boring ass routine!!

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