Friday, December 10, 2010

Add Miley Cyrus to the list of bong rippas'

Welcome to the Realm of Hollywoods Most Famous Bong Loads on your 18th birthday Miley Cyrus! Actors, singers and Olympic Swimming Multi Gold Medalists alike are card carrying members, along with the majority of most people who can spell the word bong. I find it weird she was taking a rip of saliva though (saliva is like a short term hallucinogenic. Oh yea, it's also legal). It's such a random as drug. It'd be like bringing a bottle of Rumplemintz to a party...

Oh my, Miley.

A video of the pop sensation partying the week of her 18th birthday with a bong has surfaced, but sources tell TMZ that Cyrus was not smoking marijuana.

According to the report, she was smoking a natural herb, salvia, which is legal in California and has hallucinogenic effects.

"I'm having a little bit of a bad trip," Cyrus says into the camera, before asking her "friend", "Is that a Liam look-alike – is that my boyfriend?"

In between bouts of giggles, she asks, "Is that me tripping? Does that look like Liam at all?"

The video, which was shot five days after her birthday, ends in Cyrus saying, "I want more of that s---," after laughing and rambling incomprehensibly.

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