Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The ultimate crappy work place Storm Out

Don't we ALL wish we could have a bad ass storm out like this? If you've worked a crappy job you know what I'm talking about. Remember the scene in Half Baked where Scarface quits his job (Fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, Fuck you, IM OUT!).

"To the passenger who called me a motherfucker, fuck you. ... I've been in the business 28 years. I've had it. That's is." That's what passengers on a flight from Pittsburgh to New York City heard over the intercom after their JetBlue flight touched down at Kennedy International Airport Monday afternoon before the angry flight attendant, who had first asked for an apology from the passenger mentioned in his tirade, popped open an emergency door and exited the plane using the emergency slide. According to reports, the flight attendant was able to pull off his tie, grab a couple of beers from the plane's galley, take the AirTran monorail to the parking lot, and drive off before anybody could stop him. Steven Slater, 39, was later arrested at his home in Queens and charged with criminal mischief and reckless endangerment. "At no time was the security or safety of our customers or crew members at risk," JetBlue said in a statement. Officials are working with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Port Authority in New York and New Jersey in investigating the incident. According to one witness, Slater, who has served on JetBlue's uniform redesign and in-flight values committees, became angry after he was hit in the head by a piece of luggage that a passenger was removing before he should have been out of his seat.

On Facebook, a celebrity fan page for Slater already had nearly 8,000 members Tuesday morning. One thousand more people had joined a group called "Free Steven Slater" and fledgling groups included "I hate the m***** f***** who called Steven Slater a m***** f*****" and "I want Steven Slater to be my flight attendant."

1 comment:

  1. Hilarity.

    And, yeah, that has to be my very favorite part in half baked. The closest I ever came to that was walking off when being lectured by a self righteous, bureaucratic supervisor.
