Monday, August 2, 2010

The Gorgeous Place in Mexico You've Never Heard Of

Well maybe you have heard of it, I decided to finally be the ex-pat I've always wanted to be and move waaaay down South to gorgeous Guanajuato. Seems the more I mention it to people the more I find out I'm late in the game, lots of people know and adore this place!

It's deemed the Rome of Mexico. One glance and the picture can affirm that it's definitely one of Mexico's finest provincial states. Located inland in South Mexico it's about 200 miles north of Mexico city. The building are painted all different colors and the city boasts a University AND one of the world's most prestigious arts and cultural festivals, The International Cervantino Festival in October. Thousands descend on this incredibly safe and clean city to enjoy music, art and cultural from all over the world. Google Guanajuato for more pictures and information if you'd like to know more!!

1 comment:

  1. This place is soo beautiful! I studied abroad in Mexico and spent a weekend here...I really did feel like I was in Europe. Part of the city is closed off to street traffic, which feels so charming.
