Friday, July 9, 2010

Analog Burger Bar is NOW OPEN!!

If you haven't heard about it just google Analog Burger Bar San Diego and read the dozens and dozens of articles. Everyone hoppin' mad over it because it is such a departure from the typical Gaslamp Italian/California Cuisine blah eateries and douche bag haunts that smog up the Gaslamp and deem it unpartyable for many residents. Its at 801 5th Avenue and this pretentious San Diegan recommends it (I work there!) the food isn't my type but most people will love it. The drinks are strong (and cheap for downtown standards) and they serve 19 tall cans, what!?! Also they serve food till 3AM, mmm drunk munchies anyone??

4-7 pm = Vintage Video Games
7-10 pm = Karaoke
10 pm = DJ and Dancing!!!


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