Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome to San Diego Chelsea Handler!

Where do I FIND her!?! Does anyone know? Besides her performance at the Civic Theater on Saturday night. I, um...I can't afford that....but I know she is fond of drinking so if I could get some inside tips on where the after or pre parties are I think we could be best friends!!

1 comment:

  1. Every since she went out of her way to write an article poo-pooing on veganism, I can't stand her. Okay, so maybe not everyone wants to be vegan. But it's more eco-friendly and healthier, so why bag people for making that choice? "Ooh, look at me, I'm so cool, I will shove anything in my mouth. Awareness and compassion are just stupid trends." Random rant. But yeah, can't stand the b.
