Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ultra Boring Gay Reveal

Sorry I got you guys all riled up for a Gay Reveal. I thought it'd be like Anderson Cooper or something. It's actually some country music singer I've never heard of. Awesome. Didn't even make CNN News man...

From People Magazine:

Country singer Chely Wright (39) has revealed her big secret to the public on May 3, 2010. Chely Wright is a lesbian. She has apparently shunned this secret to the public due to the music field she has chosen to sing Chely Wright told People magazine, "she is gay and that nothing in her life has been more magical than the moment she decided to reveal her sexuality," according to an article at Apparently she has had to hide her sexuality in her music.

Chely Wright has made six albums that were released to the public. The most popular album is "Shut Up and Drive."

According to an article from USA TODAY, there has never been a country music star who has ever actually said that they were gay and Chely Wright is definitely a first. She told People magazine that she had not planned on being the first but eventually decided to come out.

A week before Chely decided to come out and tell everyone she was gay People magazine announced that a star was going to reveal their sexual orientation (being gay) in the next issue, and true to their word, Chely decided to tell America her big secret.

Chely told People that she felt that earlier in her life she thought that she could pray and change the way that she felt but could not and decided to finally tell everyone after trying to hide it after so many years. Chely told Access Hollywood that she believed she was "living a lie" and that when she realized that Brad Paisley as showing a marriage-type interest in her she felt like she could not hid her secret any longer and immediately stopped seeing him. Apparently, this is not the only man she had seen either and this announcement really raised some eyebrows. According to an article from the Examiner, it is not uncommon for the record label to cover up the fact that one of their singer's are gay in order to prevent controversies and they may even try to arrange dates in order for the celebrity to remain "normal" in America's eyes.

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