Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scientists Find Hangover Molecule in Brain

I love science, they are discovering stuff all the time, stuff we wouldn't even think of. And getting worms drunk in the process....

Neuroscientists at the University of Southampton discovered a molecule, neuropeptide, that is thought to trigger the feelings of withdrawal symptoms after a night out of heavy drinking. As the brain tries to adapt to not being intoxicated anymore this molecule is the one that causes the body to experience typical hangover symptoms. The scientists studied a worm brain that is similar to human's when intoxicated and found that the brain experiences withdrawal symptoms after the drinking stops. If the worms were given a small dose of alcohol during the withdrawal, "their irritable behaviors eased," reports LiveScience. But using the "hair of the dog" strategy to combat hangovers makes it more likely that an alcohol dependency will develop.

Read original story in LiveScience | Monday, May 10, 2010

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