Monday, May 17, 2010

Research says erect gay penises are bigger

(Ok we all already know that tons of freaking gay men are hot and delicious, but now they have bigger cocks!! This is all sooo not fair!)

Nov. 4, 1999

Six inches is the average length of a male erection, right? More or less? More (6.32 inches) if you're gay, apparently. And less (5.99) if you're straight. Stiff homosexual organs are one-third of an inch longer, claims an article titled "The Relation Between Sexual Orientation and Penile Size" in the June Archives of Sexual Behavior.

The phallus findings are based on archived data from 5,122 measurements of men's schlongs obtained by the Kinsey Report from 1938-1963.

Read the Rest on Salon.Com

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