Wednesday, May 12, 2010

iPoo App

This is an app where you can see where everyone who has and uses the app is poopin'. Virtual communal crappin'.

What is iPoo?

Always find yourself with nothing to do while you're sitting on the can? Introducing iPoo - a new iPhone application that gives you something to do - while you poo! iPoo is a social community that brings together pooers from around the world. Write messages, draw graffiti on the virtual stalls, see what others are posting - all while dropping a deuce!

How it works

When you open iPoo on your iPhone, you're instantly connected with other users who are also taking a dump. You can see and create messages and drawings using our virtual stalls, poo stream, or even map view! And it's smart - we'll show you only the info that's relevant to where you are. You'll be able to see what others have posted in the same spot you are taking a dump!

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