Thursday, May 20, 2010

American Apparel Might Go Outta Biz

Now we won't have to suffer through more super creepy ads from them. Hey maybe you like androgynous anorexics with bruises and no discernible body shape to be pasted where you can miss them on billboards? American Apparel is apparently millions of dollars deep in debt and set to default on their loans (read about that here). You know I'm down with shit being made in people friendly factories here in the US but AA clothes fall the fuck apart! Seriously, those Malaysian and Tawainese kids have a better talent for making clothes than the LA factory workers who put together all those colorful $40 t-shirts. I was over AA since I found out the owner is ultra creepy and a chauvonist pig. He fires people in his stores who aren't pretty enough and is said to have forced himself on a number of models. Good riddance....

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