Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yes, There is "The Palm Springs of Washington"

It's Yakima, WA! It's in South Central WA and I'm staying in this lovely town for about 2 days. I thought it was gonna be some hole in the middle of nowhere but it's not so! I just hit up this amazing wine tasting, had an incredible french dinner and stayed at a beautiful Hilton. This place is a major wine region, established long ago by Lewis and Clark. It's gorgeous, has old building mixed with new in this well laid out downtown. 75% of all hops made in the US are here so you know the beer is good. The dining is awesome and the people are nice! Still, we've asked eeeeeveryone WHY it's called The Palm Springs of Washington and nobody, from Yakima lifers to Yakima visitors to Wikipedia, nobody knows why it's called "The Palm Springs of Washington!"

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